Secret of the Sundrop: part 2

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Varian's POV:

The queen was just waking up when i turned to face her.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. You are merely bait to lure the princess here. Only the magic of her unbreakable hair can shatter the amber and free my father." I explained.

She seemed scared.

"I tried asking for help in a civil manner, but was denied by everyone in Corona. So, unfortunately, this is my only remaining recourse." I said as i removed a tarp that i had put over the amber.

The queen was obviously shocked.

"And after you've freed your father?" She asked.

"After!?" I laughed "oh, well, I'm afraid Corona will pay for turning their backs on me. And that's when you should start worrying....Your Majesty."

Elizabeth's POV:

"Varian must be hiding in Old Corona. I shall launch a full-scale attack." King Fredrick said.

"your majesty, he's 14..." i said.

"and so are you, young lady, stay out of this" he said.

"i can't just stand back and do nothing!" I cried.

"Sir, we got hit pretty hard. Everyone's gonna be okay, but we won't be launching a full-scale anything for some time." One of the guards said.

"Then we'll hit him with whatever we have!" The king yelled.

I was scared.

Varian wasn't himself right now but i didn't want to see him hurt.

"Dad! You can't beat Varian with swords and fists. So far, we've played right into his hands. You know he never meant to capture me! He sent that automaton to make you think that was his plan. And then he used his monster" Rapunzel began to explain.

I covered Ruddiger's ears.

"to pull security away from his real target. Mom. So, whatever you think you're gonna throw at him, he'll be waiting." Rapunzel said.

"Rapunzel's right" i said "i know Varian better than anyone, he'll know if we try anything"


"The rocks are getting closer!" One of the citizens of Corona said.

"Oh! Oh, we're doomed! Doomed!" Another one said.

"Pipe down, Feldspar. No one can hear me. We're doomed, I tell you." A staff member said.

I was just sitting there...i was worried....about the queen...the rocks...the kingdom...varian....

"Citizens, please, listen to me! I will not lie to you any longer. Corona is in grave danger. The queen has been taken. Over half our royal guard lie wounded. And these black rocks draw ever closer." The king said.

"Uh, sir, hi, yeah. If there's a 'but' in this speech, you probably want to cut to it right now." Eugene said.

"But I look at you, and I don't just see subjects, I see friends, family, strong, brave individuals who have stood by each others' side, and have never, ever backed down from a fight. Today, we face a danger like none before. As your king, your friend, and as your brother, I ask you to fight one more time. For Corona!" The king said.

"For Corona! For Corona!" The crowd chanted.

"What do you ask of us, Your Majesty?"

"As was so insightfully pointed out to me, we've been playing straight into Varian's hands, and now, he's expecting a full-out attack on Old Corona." The king explained.

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