Shadows of Fear and Hope

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A knock on the door jolted the couple out of their enchanting reverie. Amelia's cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson, while Gabriel emitted a soft chuckle at her reaction.

"Are you alright in there, miss? Do you need any assistance?" the salesgirl inquired.

Amelia found herself flustered and taken aback. She realized that nobody had noticed Gabriel's entrance, and she also came to the sobering realization that when they eventually stepped out of the dressing room, they would likely attract curious stares. Furthermore, she was keenly aware that this golden opportunity for teasing wouldn't be missed by Angelica.

"I... um... no, it's fine...almost done," she stammered, her voice betraying her embarrassment. Gabriel's proud smirk only exacerbated her discomposure. Casting a shy, doe-eyed glance in his direction, she felt her face heat up with embarrassment.

"Listen, I'll step out first, and I'll create a diversion to ensure no one notices when you come out," she proposed, her anxiety palpable.

Without uttering a word, Gabriel simply continued to admire her. It was only her gentle nudge that snapped him out of his reverie.

"Whatever my angel says," he teased, to which she nodded in agreement.

Stepping out of the dressing room, she quickly closed the door behind her, hoping to obscure the mischievous presence of Gabriel within.

"Oh my goodness, you're an absolute stunner. Would you mind if I take a bite?" Angelica nearly squealed upon seeing Amelia in the wedding gown. Her compliment caused Amelia's cheeks to flush even further.

"Allow me to remind you, that 'snack' belongs to me, little sister," Gabriel suddenly appeared, his presence catching Amelia off guard. When had he stepped out of the dressing room? She wondered, a puzzled expression crossing her features.

It was as if he had read her thoughts, and he responded with a cheeky wink, leaving her both amused and flustered.

"I think my brother has become increasingly possessive," Angelica quipped, playfully acknowledging the change in her brother's demeanor.

"I've always been possessive, and when it comes to someone as precious as her, well, let's just say it's beyond my control," he responded, a note of satisfaction evident in his tone. His words elicited a blush from Amelia, a shy grin tugging at her lips.

As if on cue, the salesgirl – whose name Amelia hadn't even learned yet – approached. She turned to face the mirror to get a full view of the gown. It was almost surreal to see herself adorned in such an elegant creation. The dress embraced her curves in a flattering manner, accentuating her petite yet shapely figure. An idea formed in her mind, but she hesitated to voice it to Gabriel.

"Do you approve, princess?" Gabriel's voice resonated behind her, his reflection grinning back at her from the mirror. "Would you like to try another one? If this isn't to your liking, we have plenty of other stunning options. Marina, why don't you show her the most exquisite gown we have?" he directed the salesgirl, now privy to her name. She was as lovely as her name implied.

"Gabriel, no. I genuinely love this dress. Please don't worry about it. This gown is perfect," she responded, gripping his arm affectionately as a sign of assurance.

"As you wish, baby," Gabriel acquiesced, planting a gentle peck on her cheek.

"Very well then, we'll have this gown packaged for you. Additionally, when you purchase this dress, you'll receive a complementary set of coordinating earrings and a necklace. Would you like to try them on as well?" Marina offered.

Amelia was rendered speechless. A complete set of earrings and necklace for free! She marveled at the generosity; in other shops she had visited, they hardly provided anything extra, let alone matching jewelry.

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