A Farewell Day To Remember

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Amelia's POV

Awakening to the gentle chime of my alarm, I reluctantly surrendered to the realization that today marked the culmination of my school journey. The bittersweet pang of change and nostalgia loomed as my customary routine was bound to alter.

I couldn't help but reflect on the friends and camaraderie I'd be leaving behind. Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the silent tears streaming down my cheeks. My beloved teachers, Mrs. Smith, in particular, weighed heavily on my heart, their nurturing presence soon to be distant echoes.

Drying my tears, I proceeded to the washroom to attend to my morning routine and take a shower. Today, I chose to don a delicate applique lavender tulle dress, its contours embracing my figure gracefully. Minimal makeup adorned my features, a departure from the overly ostentatious styles some of my peers favored. A necklace, a thoughtful gift from Mark, graced my neck, while nude single-sole heels complimented my ensemble seamlessly. I left my cascading curls free, a frame for the reflection that met my gaze as I took one final glance in the mirror before descending for breakfast.

 I left my cascading curls free, a frame for the reflection that met my gaze as I took one final glance in the mirror before descending for breakfast

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Upon entering the dining room, my mother's affectionate kiss greeted me, her endearing words enveloping me in warmth. "My darling, you radiate beauty akin to a star," she murmured, her hand tenderly caressing my cheek.

"Thank you, Mom. After all, whose daughter am I?" I replied playfully, sharing a laughter-laden moment. Curiosity piqued, I inquired about my father and brother's whereabouts.

"Dad left for work early, and as for Jon..." Mom's sentence was interrupted by the appearance of my brother, Jon. Her voice brimmed with delight as she proudly introduced my stunning appearance to him.

"Ah, there you are, Jon. Look at Amelia, resplendent in her choice of attire," Mom exclaimed, a note of exuberance in her tone.

"You find her gorgeous? I'd say she looks more like a sack of potatoes," Jon quipped, teasingly.

"Jon you look way worse and,   incidentally, you have an unpleasant odor. Kindly maintain some distance from me, or I might experience nausea," I remarked, my nose wrinkling in response.

"Says the one who stink like a dead rat."  He said and laugh out loud.

"Cease your bickering, you two. Come and have breakfast, my beloved children," Mom intervened, affectionately patting both of our heads.


As I reached the school gates, the sight of my friends engrossed in conversation welcomed me. "Hey everyone, I'm here! I've missed you all so much," I exclaimed, enveloping each of them in a heartfelt embrace.

"Amelia, we've missed you too. By the way, that dress is incredibly alluring," Schem remarked, her gaze appreciatively tracing my outfit.

If Mark's name rings a bell, Schem is also one of my closest friends. "Thank you, Schem. By the way, where's Mark? He's been unreachable on his phone," I inquired, my fingers tapping restlessly on my phone's screen.

"Oh, is our little Amelia yearning for her dear friend? How sweet," Sabrina quipped with a cheeky grin, her dimples on full display.

Sabrina, Schem's twin sister, shared a resemblance with her, though her enchanting green hazel eyes set her apart.

"Enough teasing, Sabrina. Mark is just a friend," I blushed, my cheeks betraying my feelings. A deep voice chimed in, unmistakably Mark's.

"Amelia, missing your 'lover boy'? How endearing," Mark's soothing tone enveloped me.

"Mark, why weren't you answering my calls? I was worried," I chided, my hands finding their way to my hips.

"My apologies, cutie pie. I was caught up, but here I am now. That's what matters, right?" Mark's words, accompanied by his pinch-worthy cheeks, eased my worry.

"Right," I affirmed, pinching his cheek playfully. Mark's hazel eyes, chiseled features, and charismatic demeanor had made him the embodiment of every girl's fantasy. Friends since the age of ten, he was my best friend. Though harboring a crush on him for a year, I had never mustered the courage to express it. Perhaps today would be different. "Shall we head inside?" he suggested, taking my hand in his.

Lost in conversation, I failed to notice the impending collision. Abruptly halted by a solid chest, or rather, a towering figure, I stumbled. Arms caught me just in time, averting an embarrassing fall.

My gaze met a pair of deep sea-blue eyes, features sharply defined, and presence undeniably imposing. His stature, approximately 6'1", accentuated my own 5'3", even in my heels. Mark's voice brought me back to reality, his concern pulling me from the stranger's grasp.

"Are you okay, cutie pie? You should watch where you're walking," Mark chided gently, extricating me from the stranger's hold.

Turning to the man, his gaze felt piercing, an unsettling connection with my soul. Grateful yet flustered, I murmured a thank you and retreated, Mark guiding me away.

Gabriel's POV

Dawning with the sun, I adhered to my morning routine before selecting a classic Armani black suit, a fitting choice as today marked my role as the guest of honor at the farewell party.

The elegance of my attire was mirrored in my Rolex watch and black Brodie Oxford shoes. Descending the stairs, the dining room awaited, my morning repast served by a diligent maid.

Completing my meal, I exited my home to the sight of my Black BMW X4, awaiting my presence. My chauffeur facilitated my entry, propelling us towards the school.

Upon arrival, I exited the vehicle, traversing familiar grounds tinged with nostalgia. Suddenly, an unexpected collision occurred, a collision of bodies and energies. Swift reflexes enabled me to prevent the stranger from stumbling.

A pair of beguiling blue eyes met mine, lips pink and captivating. Her waist-length chestnut locks framed a smooth visage, begging for my touch. The soft curve of her waist fit perfectly within my grasp, awakening an unfamiliar possessiveness.

Intervening, a young man extracted her from my arms, addressing her as "cutie pie" and reminding her to be cautious. The turmoil that surged within me was unequivocal - an unwelcome rival had emerged. My gaze darkened as I watched them retreat, a brewing storm of jealousy within me.

Regaining composure, I proceeded inside, where the hall awaited the forthcoming festivities. The weight of memories infused the air as I occupied a front seat, my role as the guest of honor designated by the school.

The principal took the stage, his speech preceding mine. Eventually, my moment arrived, stepping forward amidst a sea of intrigued gazes, my presence igniting admiration and envy alike. Commencing my speech, I observed her amidst the crowd, her eyes fixated upon me.

A connection of eyes ensued, brief but undeniable, before she averted her gaze. The gesture fanned the flames of fury within me, a fury born from the unsettling sense of her gaze slipping through my grasp.

After concluding my speech, a round of applause filled the room. I promptly made my way outside the hall and the school premises. My driver courteously opened the car door, and I settled into the seat with ease.

As I gazed out of the window, I spotted her sharing laughter with her friends. Swiftly, I captured an image of her and dispatched it to one of my associates. I instructed him to gather comprehensive details about her and to provide me with the information by the following day. With a mixture of assurance and satisfaction, I pondered, "Fear not, my dear angel, for you shall soon belong to me. Exclusively mine, in the possession of Gabriel," a wry smile gracing my lips.

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