Inescapable Nightmares

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Gabriel's POV

Following the regrettable incident where I used the belt on her, I felt a surge of frustration. It was a move I hadn't wanted to resort to, considering she was the first girl I'd ever treated that way. Yet, her defiance managed to provoke me. I opted to dismiss the discomfort it caused me and framed it as a form of correction for her lack of obedience.

However, I hoped that this experience had taught her a lesson, and perhaps it would negate the need for such methods in the future. With this idea in mind, I moved forward.

Leaving the hotel premises, I attended a crucial business meeting. Yet, my focus was consistently interrupted by thoughts of her. Had she managed to eat anything in my absence? I assumed she must have ordered a meal, at least. The meeting, dragging on for hours, finally concluded. Given that we had already had an early dinner, I found myself not particularly hungry.

Checking my watch, I realized it was already 6 p.m. Curiosity got the best of me, prompting me to return to the hotel and check up on her. Opening the door, I was met with an eerie silence. Navigating through the quiet space, I entered the bedroom. My gaze settled on her slumbering form, sprawled next to the bed.

Her appearance was disheveled, her hair splayed haphazardly across her face. Despite the circumstances, I couldn't help but find her oddly endearing in that moment. Gently, I lifted her and laid her on the bed, my concern growing as I remembered that she hadn't had a proper meal. It wouldn't be prudent for her to fall ill under my watch.

Prompted by this realization, I placed an order for dinner through room service. Then, my attention shifted to the task of waking her. "Angel, it's time to wake up," I coaxed, my voice softening. "You've been asleep for quite a while now, sleepyhead." As I brushed a hand against her cheek, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a sense of fatigue and trepidation.

Her body began to quiver, and her voice wavered as she spoke, "I...I'm sorry. I....s..slept for too long." The words stumbled out of her in stammers, conveying a mixture of fear and remorse. Her admission was accompanied by a plea, fragile but earnest, "Plea...please...don't...hit me." The vulnerability in her eyes was evident, unshed tears shimmering as a testament to her distress. My heart twisted in response, witnessing her in such a fragile state. It was a stark reminder of the impact my actions had on her, a realization that hadn't fully sunk in until now. Despite the frustration she had incited within me, I couldn't deny the genuine ache I felt at seeing her like this. I couldn't shake the thought that perhaps, had things taken a different turn, she wouldn't have found herself in such a vulnerable and fearful position.

My resolve to keep her safe and unharmed momentarily overpowered my earlier frustration. "Shhhh, it's okay, angel," I responded, my tone gentler now. "I won't hurt you. I'm sure you must be hungry. Freshen up, and I've already ordered dinner for us." I sought to reassure her as I spoke, my fingers brushing against her forehead in a soft caress. Although her body flinched slightly at the touch, I chose to interpret it as a natural response to the recent events. She turned and walked towards the washroom, the echoes of my promise hopefully resonating in her mind.

Amelia's POV

Stepping into the sanctuary of the bathroom, I let myself slide down against the door, seeking solace in the solitude it offered. My attempts to muffle the sobs that threatened to escape only seemed to intensify the emotions welling within me. The realization of being trapped in this nightmare of a situation consumed me. It was a twisted reality I couldn't fathom escaping from. A heavy weight settled in my chest as I contemplated the impending dread of what he might do next. His obsession with me was beyond any rationality, and it seemed like he was fixated on breaking me down, bit by bit.

Gabriel's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now