Unbearable Agony

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Amelia's POV

When I finally woke up, the room was bathed in the soft glow of noon light. Gabriel was nowhere to be found, which was a slight relief. My stomach, on the other hand, was loudly reminding me that it had been a while since I last ate. With a rumbling tummy, I decided to take matters into my own hands and order some food.

Picking up the phone, I dialed the number for room service, my fingers trembling slightly. "Hello, how may I help you?" the voice on the other end of the line inquired politely. "I'm staying in, umm, room 378, I believe, and I wanted to order some food," I replied hesitantly, not particularly skilled at conversing with strangers.

"Oh, so you're calling from Mr. Hamilton's Presidential Suite. You can place your food order with me, and we'll have someone deliver it to you shortly," the voice responded, carrying a distinct French accent.

I proceeded to place my food order, keeping it simple yet filling. After hanging up, I waited with a mix of anticipation and hunger. Roughly fifteen minutes later, I heard a series of polite knocks on the door, signaling the arrival of the room service delivery. My heart raced a bit as I opened the door, revealing a young man pushing a trolley loaded with an array of dishes.

He skillfully maneuvered the trolley into the room, and I stood by, feeling slightly awkward. I wanted to offer him a tip for his service, but I quickly realized that I had no money on me, given my current circumstances. The situation only deepened my sense of dependence and vulnerability.

Then, a spark of an idea ignited in my mind. I desperately wanted to find a way to escape this situation, and perhaps this room service attendant could offer some assistance. "Um, excuse me... Jack!" I read his name off his badge, hoping he might be able to help.

"Yes, Mrs. Hamilton? Is there something else you need?" he inquired politely, not realizing the truth of my situation. He assumed I was the wife of that awful man. Little did he know, I was just a helpless victim of his cruelty, not connected to him in any way.

"I'm not Mrs. Hamilton. I'm not that man's wife. He kidnapped me three days ago. Please, you're the only one who might be able to help me get out of here," I pleaded, desperation edging into my voice. I looked into his eyes, hoping to find a glimmer of compassion.

He appeared conflicted, his uncertainty evident in his trembling demeanor. "I'm sorry, miss, but I can't do that. If Mr. Hamilton finds out, he might harm me. I can't risk it. I'm sorry," he stammered, his fear outweighing any inclination to help.

My heart sank as he hurriedly left, leaving me feeling even more defeated and trapped. Is there truly no way out of this nightmare? But I refused to give up. As long as there's a sliver of hope, I'll keep searching for an escape.

I decided to set that idea aside for the moment and focused on the delicious food in front of me. The hotel's chef was undoubtedly skilled. After savoring each bite, I felt a wave of fatigue wash over me. Since being abducted, exhaustion had become a constant companion due to the stress, fear, and tears. I surrendered to the weariness, sinking into the bed as sleep claimed me once again.


I was abruptly pulled out of my slumber by the forceful sound of a door slamming shut. Peering out the window, I realized that night had already fallen. My heart raced as I heard the door to the room crash open, revealing the looming figure of the man I despised more than anyone. His expression was menacing, and it was clear that he was seething with anger. But why? I couldn't recall doing anything that would provoke such a reaction from him. Or had someone revealed my attempt to seek help?

My thoughts were shattered as a sharp, stinging pain erupted on my cheek. The impact of his slap sent me reeling, and the realization dawned on me that he must have discovered my interaction with the room service attendant. Panic surged within me as I comprehended the gravity of the situation – that young man must have betrayed my plea for assistance.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I found my voice, and I started sobbing uncontrollably. I hadn't anticipated that my desperate attempt to escape would backfire so dramatically.

"Please, I beg you, forgive me. I never meant to betray you. I won't ever do anything like that again. I'm so sorry, please... please don't hurt me," I managed to stammer through my sobs, my fear palpable.

His voice, though still laced with anger, reassured me slightly, "Fine, I won't lay a hand on you this time." A wave of relief washed over me, although I remained on edge.

"But," he continued with a chilling smirk, "you will have to provide me with something else in return."

My heart sank, and a sense of dread settled in. "But what could I possibly offer you? I have nothing of value," I replied, my voice heavy with defeat.

"I didn't ask you for money. Today, I want all of you. In other words, I want your body. I want to possess you," he declared, his words carrying a disturbing undertone. Shock coursed through me as I comprehended his intentions. My virginity, something sacred and deeply personal, was not something I was willing to surrender. A surge of anger overcame my fear, prompting me to speak out against his repulsive demands.

"No! You're repulsive. I will never succumb to your sick desires, you psychopath," I retorted, my voice trembling with both anger and fear. His reaction was immediate, his gaze turning darker as he closed the distance between us. In a swift and forceful motion, his fingers clamped onto my jaw, and his lips pressed forcefully against mine. I struggled against his grip, fighting to break free from his invasive kiss.

Abruptly, he seized my t-shirt and shredded it, leaving me feeling utterly defenseless. "Please, let me go. Don't do this. I can't bear it. Please," my pleas persisted, my voice laced with desperation. Yet, my words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by his insistent desires. His lips wandered across my skin, tracing a path of unwanted intimacy along my neck and chest.

Before I could react, he forcefully pushed me onto the bed, his presence looming over me like a sinister shadow. My bra was torn away without regard, and his lips pressed against my exposed breast, sending waves of discomfort and revulsion through me. Every fiber of my being screamed in protest, as my sense of unease deepened, staining my very soul with a feeling of impurity.

He seized my breast with an aggressive grip, his tongue tracing unsettling patterns across my nipples. A sudden, forceful action stripped away both my pants and panties, leaving me exposed and vulnerable under his intense gaze. Instinctively, I tried to shield my nakedness, an attempt to regain some semblance of control over my own body. However, his anger flared, and he stopped me, asserting his dominance with a venomous command. "Don't cover. This body belongs to me," he snarled, his anger palpable in his words.

His lips continued their invasive exploration of my body, leaving behind a trail of discomfort and dread. His actions were driven by a consuming lust that clouded any sense of empathy or humanity within him. As if controlled by some primal force, he discarded his own clothing with a single, fluid motion, leaving himself equally exposed. The sight was repulsive, but when I averted my gaze, his grip on my jaw turned brutal. "Don't look away," he hissed, his cruelty evident in the way his fingers dug into my flesh.

I pleaded with every fiber of my being, a final attempt to halt his relentless progression. Yet, my pleas fell on deaf ears as he callously disregarded my words. With an abrupt disregard for my well-being, he forcefully penetrated me, and the searing pain that ensued was unbearable. A cry of agony escaped my lips as he showed no restraint, no gentleness. His thrusts were aggressive and unrelenting, driven only by his own pleasure and desires. The sounds of his pleasure-filled moans were starkly contrasted by my anguished cries, creating a dissonance that echoed through the room.

As he continued to ravage my body, a sickening realization dawned on me – the wetness I felt was not just from my tears but also mingled with my own blood. The excruciating pain seemed endless, my body a canvas of torment. And through it all, he remained indifferent to my suffering, lost in his own world of pleasure and dominance.

The night was a relentless cycle of agony as he forced himself on me repeatedly, each encounter more degrading and dehumanizing than the last. The pain became an all-encompassing numbness, a way for my mind to cope with the brutality that was inflicted upon me. How could he be so heartless, so cruel? The experience left me shattered, my spirit broken, and the scars it left would forever haunt me.

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