Whispers Among Thorns

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Amelia's POV

With the gradual ascent of the sun, I found myself stirring from slumber, my eyelids gently parting to welcome the soft illumination seeping through the window. Shifting, I stretched my limbs in languorous fashion, an audible yawn escaping me as I endeavored to dispel the remnants of sleep's embrace.

As I regained my upright position and surveyed the surroundings of my room, a peculiar change caught my attention. Positioned neatly on the bedside table, a tray adorned with offerings beckoned. A steaming cup of coffee, its aromatic tendrils weaving through the air, paired with a plate bearing warm toast and a bowl brimming with succulent strawberries coated in a decadent layer of chocolate. The sight alone was enough to stimulate my senses, and the tantalizing aroma of the breakfast spread only heightened my anticipation, eliciting a decidedly involuntary response as my mouth watered in appreciation.

In disbelief, I found myself grappling with reality. This thoughtful arrangement, a veritable feast for the senses, seemed almost too good to be true.

A rush of warmth and gratitude enveloped my heart, as the realization dawned that Gabriel must have risen early to orchestrate this delightful surprise.

"You're awake. My attempt at surprising you seems to have faltered," he remarked with a hint of resignation.

"No, Gabriel, this is a wonderful surprise," I beamed, my intention clear – I didn't want to diminish his efforts. I had presumed he had embarked on his usual workday, as he had the day before. Yet, here he was, in a gesture both simple and significant, uplifting my spirits.

As he drew nearer, the tray found a home on the petite coffee table, a tangible testament to his thoughtfulness and care.

"A rose as exquisite as your beauty, my love," he presented the rose before me, a gesture that resonated with sentiment. Yet, as the bloom neared my face, an immediate response was triggered – a series of sneezes, as if my body had decided to express its dissent.

Concern etched across his features, he released the rose hastily, his worry palpable. "Baby, are you alright? What happened?" His inquiry was fueled by the sight of my continuous sneezing, and he was quick to react, likely sensing that my nose was beginning to resemble a shade of crimson.

Gathering my scattered focus, I managed to convey, "I'm allergic to roses." The words emerged amidst sneezes that persisted as an unwelcome distraction. His response was swift; he dashed to retrieve tissue paper, returning with urgency in his steps.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I had no idea," he expressed remorse, his frustration with himself evident in his tone. He held out the tissues in a small offering, his demeanor a blend of concern and exasperation. "I brought these for you; I hope they help. How could I... ugh," his voice trailed off, a mix of anger and self-critique underscoring his words.

"It's alright, Gabriel. I'm feeling better now, so please don't worry," I reassured him, my tone carrying a sense of calm. Having taken care of the aftermath, my sneezes had subsided and I was starting to regain my composure. But when I met his gaze, a glimmer of disappointment painted his expression.

Perplexed, I queried, "What's the matter?" Confusion settled over me, uncertain as to the cause of his sudden downturn. Could it have been the rose? I reminded myself that he couldn't have known about my allergy; his intentions were rooted in making me happy.

His voice wavered with a self-directed reproach, "I'm sorry, baby girl. I marred your morning. I had hoped to treat you like a princess today, especially after what transpired yesterday, yet I always manage to mess up."

I hastened to offer comfort, a protest against his harsh self-assessment. "Please don't say that. You couldn't have known. Moreover, my morning isn't ruined. But if you prolong my wait any further, then perhaps it might be. I'm quite eager to indulge in the delicacies you've brought," I playfully pouted, my voice laced with a hint of sulkiness.

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