A Sinful Mistake

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Gabriel's POV

"Shut up, you idiotic woman. You stole my diamond necklace and still denies it," I heard Jessica's venomous voice slice through the air. The very sound of her irritated me to no end. I had been informed that they were returning today, and here they were, bringing their drama back with them. I detested them and their constant theatrics. Jessica, along with her two cronies, always managed to trigger my frustration. I had just finished a challenging task assigned by my father, and the last thing I expected upon entering the manor was this infuriating uproar.

Smack! "Unbelievable! Did she really just slap the person I was already fuming about?" I muttered to myself, my irritation escalating.

I hurried toward the source of the disturbance, which happened to be the hallway. As I arrived, my eyes caught a scene that infuriated me beyond measure: Anna, Jessica, Maddison, and Paige had cornered my Angel. She was a tearful mess, clutching her left cheek. That sight alone ignited a fire within me. Without a second thought, I moved closer and embraced my trembling Angel, shielding her from their hostility.

"What the fuck, Jessica? How dare you lay a hand on my wife?" My voice thundered through the hallway, causing them all to flinch. It was no secret that I had never gotten along with them. I despised their presence.

"And you, Anna? I never expected this from you," I said, a note of disappointment creeping into my tone. Despite our past involvement, I had considered Anna a close friend. While I knew she was aligned with my sister-in-laws, I had never thought her capable of their cruelty.

"But, Gabriel, she allegedly stole Jessica's diamond necklace—a gift from Adrian—and she's denying it," Anna persisted, as if trying to justify their actions. The audacity of accusing Amelia of theft infuriated me to no end. I knew my wife better than anyone—she was not capable of such a thing.

"Enough of this nonsense. Amelia would never stoop to such levels. How can you be so sure she's guilty? Stop trying to pin this on her," my anger seethed, fueled by the knowledge that trouble had followed them home within a day of their return.

"Oh, is that so? She's the only newcomer here, and coincidentally, theft happens since she arrives. It's a no-brainer, she's the culprit," Maddison insisted stubbornly, her tone dripping with accusation.

"Gabriel, I-I swear I didn't s-steal anything," my wife's voice quivered with tears, and I held her closer to me, stroking her hair in a comforting gesture.

"Her words are all the proof I need. She didn't commit this theft. Now get out of here," I retorted sharply, my voice laced with anger, leaving no room for further discussion.

"If she says so, how about we search your room," Jessica retorted with a venomous look in her eyes. Despite my certainty that Amelia was innocent, I found a certain amusement in the idea of proving them wrong.

"Fine, let's do it. But if it turns out to be baseless, believe me, I won't hold back," my anger simmered just beneath the surface as I spoke.

We all headed to my room, the three of them eager to search every corner while I continued to hold Amelia in my arms, whispering soothing words to reassure her. On the periphery, Anna stood against the wall, nonchalantly inspecting her nails. Our eyes met, and I shot her a look of pure disdain. I knew I needed to have a conversation with her. My mind was still fresh with my father's words from earlier that morning, and anger surged anew. She had no right to meddle in my marriage, to urge me toward an extramarital affair. I intended to confront her about it. If she valued our friendship, she wouldn't dare to tread this sinful path.

"Found it," Paige's voice snapped me from my thoughts. My grip on Amelia loosened as she broke away from the embrace, her gaze now fixed on them, a mixture of confusion and distress in her eyes.

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