A Terrifying Twist of Fate

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Amelia's POV

The gentle hum of domesticity floated through the air as my mother's voice mingled with the sound of dishes being washed. It was a serene backdrop to a conversation that was anything but tranquil.

"Amelia, my dear, now that you're done with school, have you given any thought to your plans for the future? Uncle Joseph suggests that pursuing higher studies at a reputable university would be a wise choice," my mother ventured, her eyes focused on the task at hand.

With determination lacing my words, I replied, "Mom, you know my heart lies in baking. I want to open my bakery. You're well aware of my passion for it. Attending a university might not align with that dream. I'd rather take on part-time jobs and save up to make my bakery a reality. It's a dream that means the world to me."

Her response, though expected, held a hint of concern. "You could always approach your father for startup capital, my dear. He's always willing to support you, being his only daughter and all."

A slight hesitation colored my words, as I confided, "But, Mom, asking him for such a significant sum makes me a bit apprehensive."

Concern etched on her features, she reassured me, "Don't worry, my pumpkin. I'll discuss it with him. I'm certain he'll understand the importance of your dreams."

Our conversation shifted, and her curiosity pricked at a particular topic. "Speaking of which, Jon mentioned that you're going out with Mark tonight. Is there something special you're not telling me?"

My carefully crafted lie slipped from my lips as I responded, "Oh, no, Mom. Nothing special. Just a treat he's giving me, that's all."

Catching the time, her tone grew stern. "Time's flying, Amelia. It's already 5:30 p.m. Get ready; you don't want to keep him waiting."

Her admonishment spurred me into action. Rushing to my room, I realized the ticking clock, my heart racing in tandem with its beats. Approaching 7 p.m., I decided to take one final glance at my reflection before joining the evening's rendezvous.

Studying myself in the mirror, I observed the result of my preparations. The Off-Shoulder Drawstring-Side Mini Bodycon black dress, classic and elegant, showcased my shoulders. Complemented by rose gold stiletto heels, the ensemble was completed with the necklace Mark had thoughtfully gifted me. It aligned seamlessly with the outfit's charm. My preference for minimal makeup remained consistent, and I let my waist-length brown hair cascade freely down my back. With purse in hand, I descended the staircase, anticipation coursing through my veins.

As if on cue, a knock sounded at the door, confirming my expectation that Mark had arrived. With a mix of excitement and a hint of nervousness, I opened the door to be met by his handsome hazel eyes and an undeniable charm.

A throat cleared behind me, and I turned to see Jonathan, my elder brother, present as a silent observer. Mark's affable greeting and their bro-like exchange took me aback, but Jon's quiet request for a private chat made me curious.

"Hey, cutie pie, you look gorgeous. Jonathan, how are you, man?" Mark's warmth enveloped the room.

"I'm fine. Amelia, can you give us a minute? We need to talk," Jon interjected, his tone devoid of emotion.

I exited the scene to retrieve my forgotten phone, curious and a bit concerned about their conversation.

Upon my return, a heartwarming sight awaited me. Mark and Jonathan, my brother, were engrossed in laughter and lively conversation. It was reassuring to see them bonding so effortlessly. Mark's presence had always been a soothing and reassuring one.

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