Heartfelt confessions

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Amelia's POV

I found myself lying on the bed in Gabriel's room, lost in deep thoughts. The room was a mix of unfamiliar elegance and comfort, reflecting his complex personality.

As I pondered over my current circumstances, I realized that being around Gabriel stirred up emotions within me that I had never experienced before. Whenever he was near, I felt an odd sense of security and a hint of affection. But was it genuine love? It wasn't that my family didn't care for me, but the revelation of their betrayal had shattered my trust.

Amidst my contemplation, I also couldn't help but think about Mark, my first love. I had pushed him to the back of my mind during this tumultuous ordeal. I needed to see him, talk to him. The bond we shared was something special, something different from what I was experiencing with Gabriel. While my feelings for Gabriel were growing, they were complicated by the circumstances of my captivity.

Mark had to be hurting, wondering what had happened to me. My heart ached at the thought of his pain. The kidnapping had clouded my judgment and emotions, leading me to this intricate situation with Gabriel. But it was time to address my feelings and confront my past, to find clarity and closure.

I knew I had to talk to Gabriel about Mark, about how he had arranged for him to attend a prestigious university. At the same time, I needed to see Mark, to explain what had happened and where I stood now. It was essential to untangle the knots of my emotions and understand my heart's true desires.

The creaking of the door drew me out of my contemplation. Gabriel's presence filled the room, and he inquired about my thoughts. He entered the room, setting aside his belongings before focusing his attention on me.

"I've been thinking, and I believe I should see Mark. He deserves an explanation from me, especially considering how abruptly I disappeared. I can't help but imagine how devastated he must be feeling right now," I expressed with a tinge of anxiety in my voice.

 However, as I looked at Gabriel, his demeanor shifted, his jaw clenching noticeably. There was an unusual tension in the air, leaving me perplexed.

Gabriel's expression turned somewhat blank as he responded, "I understand your concern, but you need to know that Mark is doing fine. I've ensured that he was admitted to one of the best universities. He's in a good place."

"Yes, but I do want to meet him. I don't want to keep him unaware of what's going on." I responded, a hint of disappointment in my expression.

His face softened as he regarded me, and after a moment of apparent contemplation, he relented. "I understand your concerns. Alright, you can go see him tomorrow. But I don't want you to go alone. My driver, Sebastian, will take you there and bring you back. I want you to be safe." His words seemed sincere, and a sense of relief washed over me.  

"Oh my god, Gabriel, you're the best ever," I exclaimed, rushing to him and enveloping him in a hug. He chuckled warmly, his hand gently stroking my hair. "Only for you, baby girl," he responded, causing a delightful flutter in my stomach at the endearing nickname. Come on, girl, don't get too carried away; it's just hormones.

"Is your mom still around?" I inquired, my gaze fixed on the floor. He lifted my chin tenderly with his fingers, guiding my eyes to meet his.

"No, she went to a party with her friends," he informed me. A brief silence settled between us before he eventually spoke up again. "Babygirl, I'm sorry about my mom slapping you. Truly, I apologize. The truth is, in this mansion, even with guards around, anyone could potentially slip in and steal. We can't predict everything, and since she had never seen you before, she likely assumed you were a thief. She's not as bad as you might think," he said with a touch of sadness, gently tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"It's okay. I won't hold it against her; after all, she's your mom," I responded, offering a small huff. His lips pressed to my forehead in a tender kiss, and a shiver of sensation rippled through me. My goodness, this guy is really starting to drive me crazy. It's bizarre how my perspective on his kisses has shifted from disgust to affection. Hold on, what?

"Let's go out for dinner tonight," he suggested, and my excitement immediately surged.

"Seriously? But I don't have the right clothes for a dinner outing," I pouted.

"By the way, have you checked out your new wardrobe?" He inquired with a mischievous raise of his eyebrows. I was taken aback by his question, my gaze fixed on him.

"No, I haven't. When did you manage all this?" I inquired, my delight evident.

"Well, while you were luxuriating in the bath, let's just say I instructed the maid to spruce up the closet. As for the clothes, I ordered them about two weeks ago," he responded with a self-assured grin.

"Oh wow, thank you, Gabriel. You really didn't have to go through all this trouble," I replied.

"No, I find fulfillment and happiness in moments like this," he confided, his fingers tenderly caressing my cheek. His proximity intensified, and I could feel his minty breath brushing against my skin. His lips grazed mine once more, and I let out a surprised gasp. He was undoubtedly teasing me.

"Babygirl, you drive me insane," he whispered softly against my lips. His fingers traced a path along my side, eliciting a shiver from me. His touch dipped beneath the edge of my dress, skimming the hem of my panties. An involuntary moan escaped my lips, and he seized the opportunity to deepen the kiss.

He wasn't forceful; rather, his approach was tender and sweet. I reciprocated his kiss, and he deepened it, all the while toying with the edge of my panty. An undeniable heat surged within me, intensifying the connection between us. After a while, he gently pulled away, placing a lingering kiss on my forehead. "Not now, angel. I don't want to rush things," he whispered before stepping back. "Be ready by 7," he instructed, then left the room.

I was left in a daze, my heart racing from the magical kiss. It left me yearning for more, an overwhelming desire that made me feel like I was losing control. This man was driving me to the edge of reason. I needed to regain my composure. Glancing at the bedside clock, I realized I had roughly two hours to prepare. A quick shower was in order.

Stepping into the walk-in closet, I perused the collection of beautiful dresses. The array of options made it difficult to choose. Eventually, my eyes settled on a white midi party dress that instantly captivated me.

I slipped into the white midi dress and made my way to the vanity. After blow-drying and straightening my hair, I decided on a low ponytail. A light touch of makeup and a simple earring completed my look.

To complement the outfit, I opted for white high heels that perfectly matched the dress. As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel satisfied with the image staring back at me.

I glanced at the clock and realized that it was nearly 7 o'clock. Stepping out of the room, I found myself face to face with Gabriel. He slowly looked me up and down, taking his time to appreciate my appearance. It made me feel a bit nervous.

"Do I need to change? I know my outfit might not be that nice," I stammered, feeling self-conscious.

"No, baby girl, you look amazing. I can't take my eyes off you," he complimented, causing a warm blush to spread across my cheeks.

"Let's go then. I wouldn't want to keep you waiting on our first date," he said, placing his hand around my waist before leading the way. Our first date! I couldn't believe it. The thought briefly brought memories of my first date with Mark to mind, but I quickly pushed those feelings aside. Tomorrow, I promised myself, I would clear everything with Mark and hopefully find a way to mend what had been broken between us.

Hey guys here is the update❤ I hope it's not too boring.

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