A Dark Turn

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In the dimly lit room, the air hung heavy with an unsettling tension that seemed to permeate the very walls. Amelia, with a tray clutched tightly in her hands, stood beside Angelica's bedside. The feeble glow of a bedside lamp illuminated the contours of Angelica's face, etching shadows that mirrored the haunting echoes of the traumatic ordeal she had endured.

Since her awakening, Angelica remained trapped in a silence that seemed impervious to the outside world. Her eyes, once vibrant, now held a vacant stare fixed on some distant point unknown to those around her. Determined to break through the walls of silence, Amelia took a deep breath before speaking, her voice a soft murmur in the hushed room.

"Angelica, I made some soup for you. You need to eat and regain your strength," she said, her words hanging in the air like a delicate plea.

Angelica remained unresponsive, her only acknowledgment manifested in the mechanical way she sipped the soup when the spoon approached her lips.

Undeterred, Amelia attempted to initiate a conversation, "Angelica, do you remember anything about who did this to you? We need to find out who's responsible."

The question lingered, unanswered, as Angelica's gaze turned sharp and intense. A sudden glare caught Amelia off guard, prompting her to withdraw. The room fell back into silence, the unspoken weight of words casting a palpable shadow.

Realizing the delicate nature of her inquiry, Amelia murmured, "I'm sorry, Angelica. I shouldn't have asked. Take your time."

Abruptly, the atmosphere shifted. Without warning, Angelica seized Amelia's arm with a strength that seemed to emerge from nowhere. The force of her grip twisted Amelia's arm, causing her to wince in pain. Shock widened her eyes as she pleaded, "What are you doing? Angelica, stop!"

Angelica, however, seemed ensnared in a sudden madness. Shouting incoherently, her actions turned erratic. She slapped Amelia repeatedly, and before Amelia could comprehend the abrupt violence, she found herself pinned to the floor. The once-nourishing soup now spilled onto Amelia's lap, scalding her skin and intensifying the chaos.

The commotion summoned the household, and Gabriel, along with his father, mother and Anna, burst into the room. A doctor, their silent ally in this battle, accompanied them, a testament to the severity of Angelica's mental state.

"Hold her down!" Gabriel's father ordered, and together, they struggled to restrain the frenzied Angelica. The doctor swiftly injected a sedative, and within moments, Angelica succumbed to unconsciousness. The room fell silent once again, the only sounds the muted sobs of Amelia and the distant hum of the mansion.

With Angelica sedated and back in bed, attention turned to the aftermath. Gabriel's father exchanged a meaningful glance with his son, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. Gabriel's accusatory gaze now shifted towards Amelia, leaving her alone in the aftermath of the storm.

"Gabriel, please, I didn't mean to upset her. I was just trying to help," Amelia pleaded, tears streaming down her face.

Ignoring her pleas, Gabriel forcefully grabbed her injured arm, leading her out of the room and down the dimly lit corridor to their shared bedroom.

Once inside, Gabriel released his hold on her. Amelia, nursing both physical and emotional wounds, dared to speak. "Gabriel, I... I didn't expect her to react like that. I didn't mean to hurt her."

Gabriel's eyes bore into hers, his expression cold and unyielding. "You're always causing trouble. This is your fault. Now, stay quiet and reflect on your actions."

Defeated and broken, Amelia sank onto the bed. The pain in her arm paled in comparison to the ache in her heart. As she glanced at Gabriel, the man she once thought she loved, an ominous feeling lingered—a premonition that the darkest chapters of the twisted Hamilton legacy were yet to unfold.


The confines of the room seemed to compress around Amelia as she cradled her wailing twin daughters, Rose and Luna, within the circle of her arms. The burden of the day's tumult bore down upon her, her body convulsing with sobs intermingled with the desperate cries of her infants. In her wearied state, attempting to breastfeed them felt like an insurmountable task, their distress escalating with each passing moment, their cries ascending in pitch.

The challenge intensified with Amelia's injured arm, and the looming fatigue threatened to engulf her entirely. Whispers of solace escaped her lips, entreating her babies to subside. "Please, my darlings, Mommy is so tired. Shh, shh," she murmured, her voice strained by a fusion of exhaustion and vexation.

Just as the cacophony of cries threatened to overwhelm her, a delicate knock on the door punctuated the chaotic symphony. "Come in," Amelia called out, her voice laden with weariness.

Mother Grace, the chief maid and a maternal presence in the distorted Hamilton household, entered the room with a furrowed brow. Concern etched her features as she surveyed the scene, Amelia wrestling with the twins in her embrace.

"What is happening here, my dear?" Mother Grace inquired, her eyes reflecting a blend of apprehension and compassion.

Amelia, still cradling the weeping infants, looked up with tear-streaked cheeks. "I... I don't know. They won't stop crying, and I'm so tired. I don't know what to do."

Mother Grace approached, her seasoned eyes assessing the situation. She gently took Rose from Amelia's arms, offering the eldest twin a consoling sway. "Let me have a look, dear. It's okay; we'll figure this out together."

Amelia surrendered Luna to Mother Grace, who adeptly juggled both infants in her arms. With a tender touch, Mother Grace scrutinized them, searching for signs of distress. "Ah, they might be having colic" she deduced, a sagacious glint in her eyes.

Amelia's countenance contorted with concern. "Colic? What is that? How can I alleviate it?"

Mother Grace motioned for Amelia to perch on the bed, guiding her through the process. "Colic is commonplace in infants, inducing discomfort and excessive crying. We'll help them feel better, don't worry."

Placing the infants on their abdomens, Mother Grace commenced administering gentle back rubs. Amelia watched in astonishment as the practiced maid's touch performed miracles, the cries gradually receding. Mother Grace then turned to Amelia, offering a reassuring smile. "Now, dear, dim the lights. It'll help soothe them."

Amelia nodded, hastening to comply with Mother Grace's directives. The room's ambiance shifted as the illumination dimmed, fostering a more pacifying atmosphere. Mother Grace continued her adept care, leading Amelia through the subsequent steps.

"Do you have Gripe water?" Mother Grace inquired, and Amelia nodded. Hastening to retrieve it, she returned to find Mother Grace patiently waiting.

The head maid adeptly administered the Gripe water to the twins, and as they imbibed the remedy, the tension in the room began to dissipate. The cries softened, replaced by the occasional coo as the infants settled.

Amelia, still moist-eyed, experienced a blend of gratitude and exhaustion. Mother Grace took a moment to elucidate the situation, her voice a comforting lull. "Colic is tough, my dear, but with attentive care and the appropriate remedies, they'll be fine. Gripe water serves to alleviate their discomfort and aids in digestion. You'll see, they'll be back to their cheerful selves soon."

As the twins' cries waned, Mother Grace instructed Amelia on the final steps. "Now, dear, allow them a few moments, and then change their diapers. The Gripe water may induce bowel movements, providing them with additional relief."

Amelia, still processing the whirlwind of emotions, nodded appreciatively. Mother Grace patted her head affectionately, a gesture conveying not only concern for the infants but also an understanding of the trials Amelia confronted within the tumultuous Hamilton mansion.

With a reassuring smile, Mother Grace exited the room to fulfill her duties. The nursery, previously resonant with distressing cries, now harbored a tranquil hush as Amelia attended to her now-composed daughters, a glimmer of hope rekindling amidst the Hamilton family's chaotic existence.

Hope you like the chapter 😊

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