Dress Fitting and Sensations

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Amelia's POV

Gabriel suggested that I go shopping with his sister, Angelica, primarily to find my wedding dress and other essentials. While I was certainly pleased, confusion lingered within me. I was still a young adult, only 18 years old, and now I was on the verge of marriage within a week. Undoubtedly, Gabriel loved me immensely, but I couldn't help but feel that things were moving at an incredibly swift pace.

"Hey, down-to-earth sister-in-law. What's on your mind?" Angelica inquired with a hint of amusement in her tone.

"Well, there's something I wanted to ask you," I began, my sincerity evident.

"Spill it. I'm all ears," she responded with evident enthusiasm.

"I'm feeling conflicted. I'm not sure what to do. I mean, getting married in a week, but I still feel so young," I confessed, baring my concerns.

"Did you talk to Gabby about this?" she queried, leaving me even more bewildered.

"Who's Gabby?" I responded, my forehead creasing in puzzlement.

"Oh, you didn't know? That's the nickname I use for Gabriel. I find it endearing for my irritating brother," she teased, punctuating her statement with a soft giggle. It was evident that she held deep affection for her brother, reminding me of the bond I shared with Jon. The memory of him brought forth a wave of nostalgia; I yearned for his presence. Yet, I held onto the hope that someday, I'd find a way to reconnect with him.

"Ah, I see," I chuckled in response, taking a sip of my coffee. We were currently in a coffee shop, not far from the mall. Angelica had recommended we stop by here before embarking on our shopping adventure, as their coffee was reputedly exceptional. While I generally preferred tea, the coffee here was undeniably enjoyable.

"Well, the truth is, I haven't had the chance to talk to him about it, and I must admit, I'm a bit apprehensive. What if he's disappointed? He might think that I don't value his love," I sighed, voicing my worries.

"Don't entertain such negative thoughts, cutie. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. There must be a strong and valid reason behind his decision to marry you so swiftly," she reassured me, her words offering solace.

"Perhaps he just doesn't want anyone else to snatch away a stunning princess like you," Angelica quipped, wiggling her eyebrows playfully, which elicited a genuine laugh from me.

"I do believe he's quite possessive when it comes to me. I doubt anyone would dare to attempt stealing me from him," I responded with a chuckle.

"He even instructed Sebastian to keep an eye on us, tracking our every move. So, I suppose we're under protection," I added in jest, casting a sidelong glance at Sebastian, our driver, who seemed to be engaged in a flirtatious interaction with an attractive waiter across from us.

Angelica's gaze snapped toward Sebastian, her demeanor shifting from cheerful to somber. However, she quickly shifted her focus back to me, forcing a smile as she agreed, "You're right."

An observation struck me – there seemed to be an underlying emotion beneath her surface. Throughout our journey to the coffee shop, whenever Sebastian addressed her, she blushed and offered brief responses. Given Angelica's typically outspoken nature, her behavior was telling. It appeared she held feelings for Sebastian, a sentiment I could discern in her eyes. I mused on whether Sebastian was oblivious to her affection or if he was intentionally avoiding acknowledging it due to his position as her brother's employee.

I thought to myself, I would probably do the same.

Gabriel could sometimes appear intimidating, and his overprotective nature only amplified this impression.

Angelica recounted an incident from her sophomore year of school. A boy had mustered the courage to propose to her in front of the entire school, and in her innocent excitement, she accepted. His proposal had set her heart aflutter, and he even gifted her a pendant containing their photograph. He marked her first experience of love. However, driven by her fear of Gabriel's protectiveness, she chose to keep this romance a secret from him. Unbeknownst to her, Gabriel had already taken steps to watch over her at school.

Initially, everything seemed idyllic. The boy, Richard, proved to be a caring boyfriend – he shared her desk in class, bestowed her with heartfelt love letters daily, and delighted her with gifts of food. Essentially, he fit the mold of the ideal teenage boyfriend.

But one day, he arrived at school bearing a black eye. He sought out Angelica immediately, urging her to terminate their relationship. She was shattered upon observing the bruise around his eye. Desperate, she pleaded for him to disclose who had harmed him, hopeful that she could resolve the situation.

However, he stubbornly refused to disclose the identity of his attacker and departed. To Angelica's astonishment, she discovered two days later that it was Gabriel who had inflicted the black eye. Frustrated and angered, she confronted her brother, only to find herself powerless to change the situation. Despite her evident distress, she chose not to share the reason behind Gabriel's actions, leaving me puzzled. I opted not to press her on the matter, mindful of her feelings.

After our coffee conversation, we proceeded to a bridal shop. The establishment exuded opulence and elegance from the exterior.

But with such grandeur, one could only imagine the price tags attached.

Inside, a salesgirl greeted us warmly and began showcasing a range of wedding dresses. The options varied from sophisticated to somewhat ominous, yet I struggled to find the perfect gown. Amidst the array, my attention was captivated by a simple yet exquisite white dress. Its length promised to gracefully sweep the floor, featuring an off-shoulder design that gracefully curved into a V-shape at the back. Though plain white, it resonated with me as the ideal choice.

The salesgirl detected my interest in the dress. "Is this the one you like?" she inquired, to which I timidly nodded.

Handing me the dress, she guided me to a fitting room. With a mix of excitement and nerves, I donned the gown. However, my enthusiasm was thwarted by the challenge of zipping up the dress – my short arms presenting an unexpected hurdle.

In that moment, I couldn't help but regret my lack of height.

After several attempts, my efforts proved futile. Just as panic began to set in, the dressing room door swung open. I started to turn around, but a deep voice halted me in my tracks.

"Stay still," it was Gabriel's voice.

Gazing at him through the mirror, I watched as he drew closer. He paused behind me, his fingers – both rough and tender – trailing along my back. A shiver coursed through my body, and my breathing caught in response.

His heated breath cascaded over the nape of my neck, causing my pulse to race.

His fingers inched towards the zipper at a leisurely pace. Throughout his movements, our eyes remained locked, and an ethereal feeling enveloped us. It was as if we had stepped into a scene from a romantic movie.

Finally, he reached the end of the zipper, his lips pressing a kiss against the expanse of my neck. My breath grew erratic, and I clung to his hair for support.

"Gabriel, not here, please. We're in a public place," I whispered, my voice laced with a mixture of longing and restraint.

"You're too irresistible. I simply can't get enough of you," he breathed against my skin. His lips trailed lower along my neck, nearing my chest. Soft moans escaped my lips, uncontrollable and unintentional.

He possessed a mastery in these moments, well aware of the impact his touch and kisses had on my body. He understood that I desired more, and he reveled in the knowledge.

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