Innocence Amidst Darkness

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Gabriel's words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating, like a dark cloud that threatened to unleash a torrential storm. His possessiveness, once hidden beneath the surface, had erupted into a raging tempest of obsession and control. The room felt like a pressure cooker, the tension so palpable it was almost suffocating.

I stood there, my heart racing, my breaths shallow, trying to process the abrupt transformation of the man I had loved. Fear coiled around me, squeezing my chest like a vice, making it difficult to speak. This wasn't the Gabriel I had fallen for, the man who had swept me off my feet with his charm and tenderness. This was a stranger, a possessive shadow of the person I thought I knew.

"You're scaring me, Gabriel," I finally managed to whisper, my voice trembling like fragile glass on the verge of shattering.

For a brief moment, his eyes softened, as if he recognized the fear in my voice, the cracks in the façade he had constructed. He reached out, his fingers brushing gently against my cheek, a faint trace of tenderness in his touch.

"I'm sorry, love," he murmured, his voice carrying the weight of regret. "I didn't mean to frighten you. You know how much you mean to me."

His words, once persuasive and reassuring, now fell on deaf ears. I couldn't allow myself to be ensnared by his charm again, not when it was wielded as a weapon of manipulation. The realization hit me like a wave crashing against the cliffs of my denial. Perhaps Adrian had been trying to warn me about Gabriel on my birthday. Maybe I had been too blinded by love and the fear of Gabriel's anger to heed the truth. Adrian might have his own dark desires, but he had been right about one thing: Gabriel was not the man he pretended to be.

My anger simmered beneath the surface, stoked by the knowledge that I had been played for a fool. It wasn't just about Gabriel's engagement to Anna, but the entire web of lies and deceit that had entangled me. I couldn't deny that Gabriel had changed since the early days of our tumultuous relationship, but the core of him, the part that was controlled by his family's twisted influence, remained the same.

My voice quivered with a mix of anger and frustration as I spoke, "You kept saying you changed, Gabriel, but you're still the monster I met the first time. You're nothing but your father's puppet, engaged to Anna against your will. You've lied to me, given me false hope, and I won't tolerate it any longer. There's a limit to everything."

Gabriel's face contorted with rage at my words, his mask of neutrality slipping away, revealing the storm of emotions that raged beneath the surface. Before I could react, his hand lashed out, connecting with my cheek in a brutal slap. Pain radiated through my face, and I tasted the salt of tears welling up in my eyes. But I refused to back down.

I swallowed my sobs and met his eyes defiantly, my anger unyielding. "Is this what you do when you can't control me, Gabriel? Manhandle me?"

He seethed, his anger radiating like a palpable force, but I had ignited a spark of rebellion within me. "Shut up, Amelia," he growled.

But I didn't obey, and I shouted back at him, my voice filled with raw determination. "No, I won't shut up! I've had enough! You've betrayed me by engaging with Anna, and I can't take it anymore. You can't keep me and our babies here, subjected to this evil house like they've treated me. I regret loving you, Gabriel. You're still the monster I feared from the beginning."

My words hung heavily in the room, tension crackling between us like live wires sizzling with electricity. Gabriel's eyes were filled with a furious fire, and he grabbed my jaw, forcing me to meet his gaze. "Say it again," he growled, his voice low and dangerous.

I was on the brink of repeating my words, of telling him again that I hated him, but before I could, his lips descended upon mine in a brutal, possessive kiss. It was a kiss that left me breathless, a whirlwind of passion and aggression that I had never experienced before. When he finally released me, he warned, "If you ever say that again, you won't see our twins, and I'll lock you in this room."

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