Concealed Burdens

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Three weeks had elapsed since Amelia last laid eyes on Gabriel. Striving to divert her thoughts away from him, the void left by his absence grew more profound with each passing day. Initially, resentment for his public affront lingered, yet as time marched on, yearning began to eclipse her anger. The embrace she missed, his warmth, and the tenderness she craved became increasingly pronounced.

However, it appeared that Gabriel's attentions were ensnared by more pressing matters than offering an apology. His conspicuous absence was attributed to the demands of work, leaving Amelia secluded within the mansion, ensconced in solitude and melancholy. A sensation of estrangement took root, compounded by her perception of how the family regarded her. It was as though they lay in wait, anticipating her every misstep to pounce upon her.

Endeavoring to shroud her melancholy behind a veneer of smiles, the effort grew progressively strenuous. The matrimonial haven Amelia had anticipated had eroded, marred by Gabriel's transformation. He was no longer the man she had fallen for, an unsettling reality she struggled to come to terms with. Her familial bonds tugged at her heartstrings, particularly the desire to confide in her mother – the solace of sharing her burdens with her felt far away.

After her encounter with Adrian, she resorted to avoidance, skirting his presence and that of his wife. Jessica's malevolent glares fostered an atmosphere of unease that was hard to ignore.

Lying in bed, engrossed in contemplation, a surge of nausea overwhelmed her. Hastening to the bathroom, she barely managed to avert the impending bout of vomiting. A fleeting notion of food poisoning flickered, only to be supplanted by a more disconcerting possibility – pregnancy.

The weight of her negligence bore down; she had failed to track her menstrual cycle. Its irregularity had rendered prediction impossible, a shortcoming she now deeply regretted.

Prostrate on the bathroom tiles, weakness and nausea sweeping over her, the need for confidantes was paramount. But trust was a rarity – Gabriel's mother's disinterest and Jessica's hostility precluded them as options.

Respite appeared in the form of Mother Grace. Her kindness was remembered, her genuine concern for Amelia's well-being a potential lifeline. She contemplated the notion of seeking help from her.

Exhausted, she crawled back to her room and lay down, summoning Mother Grace. The elderly woman arrived, concern etched across her features.

"What happened, my dear?" she inquired tenderly, drawing close.

Amelia hesitated momentarily, then divulged, "I think I might be pregnant."

Mother Grace's eyes widened in astonishment before she reached out to place a comforting hand on Amelia's forehead. "Let me fetch you some water," she reassured, hastening out.

Amelia lay there, a surge of panic welling within her. Pregnancy wasn't something she was prepared for, not now, not under these circumstances. Uncertainty clouded Gabriel's stance on children. The notion of the family's perception loomed – a swift pregnancy post-wedding would undoubtedly invite scrutiny and judgment.

Returning with water, Mother Grace assisted Amelia in sitting up. "Drink," she urged, offering the glass to her lips. "And don't worry, child. We'll figure this out together''


The entrance of Gabriel into the room seized Amelia's attention. Perched on the bed, her unease palpable, she managed a smile as he drew near.

"Amelia, baby, I missed you so much," he exclaimed, enfolding her in an embrace.

Untangling herself, she met his gaze earnestly. "Gabriel, I need to speak with you. It's... important."

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