Family Dynamics

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Amelia's POV

I awoke to the sight of Gabriel, deep in slumber beside me. My face nestled against his chest, and his hand gently rested on my waist, the tangle of our limbs illustrating the intimacy of our connection. Reminiscing about the events of the previous night brought an involuntary smile to my lips. It had been a night of unexpected surprises - a date that transformed into a proposal, followed by an intensely passionate encounter. My hope was for Gabriel to remain the person I had grown fond of, without any alteration.

"I can sense your gaze upon me, my angel. I'm aware of my own handsomeness," Gabriel remarked, his morning voice infused with a seductive allure that I couldn't help but find appealing.

"I wasn't," I responded, feeling my cheeks flush with shyness. I could practically feel the heat radiating from them.

Gabriel opened his eyes, a smile gracing his features as he gazed at me. Slowly, he drew closer and placed a soft kiss on my blushing cheek.

"I quite enjoy witnessing your blush. Your cheeks turn as red as tomatoes," he teased, his lips finding mine in a tender kiss. Naturally, I reciprocated, the exchange a testament to the mutual affection we shared.

"Do you not have work today?" I inquired, curiosity piqued.

"No, I've taken the day off. Besides, I have some news to share with everyone - the news that I am engaged to the most breathtaking woman on this planet," he declared, his words eliciting a shy smile from me.

"Gabriel, I hope you haven't forgotten your promise to let me visit Mark today," I reminded him, sensing an immediate shift in his demeanor. His jaw clenched, and his eyes darkened slightly.

"Angel, I was contemplating the idea of announcing our engagement first and then visiting him. That way, we can extend an invitation to him for the wedding simultaneously," he replied in a detached manner.

"But that might come as a shock to him. Wouldn't it be better if I speak to him beforehand and clarify everything?" I suggested with a tinge of sadness.

"No, it wouldn't be. Trust me," he reassured me, his tone firm. With that, he excused himself to freshen up, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I found myself missing my mother profoundly, despite the complexities of our relationship. She had raised me, and my brother Jon had been a pillar of protection, always looking out for his younger sister. The intention to visit Mark was intertwined with a desire to reconnect with my past, and perhaps seek answers to the questions that had lingered for so long.

Eventually, Gabriel and I descended the stairs hand in hand, heading towards the breakfast table. However, a sharp voice pierced the air, originating from the dining hall. Upon entering, we attracted the attention of everyone present – Gabriel's mother, several servants, and a young woman around my age or slightly older. She clutched a newspaper in her hand and promptly approached me, pulling me into an unexpectedly tight hug that rendered me momentarily speechless. Who was she?

"Finally, my brother has found someone," she exclaimed with genuine excitement. Suddenly, realization dawned upon me. She was Gabriel's sister.

"Brother, how could you keep this from me? I found out about this when I saw the newspaper this morning. And here I believed you were the kind of brother who would share everything with his little sister," she chided, her tone feigning sadness.

Gabriel's expression shifted, his features revealing a mix of emotions. His sister snatched the newspaper from her and proceeded to read the headline. The shift in his demeanor escalated into fury. I stole a glance at the newspaper, and what met my eyes left me utterly stunned. The image of Gabriel down on one knee, proposing to me at the restaurant from the previous night, was displayed prominently. The headline read, "Gabriel Hamilton, Owner of Hamilton Enterprise, Spotted Proposing to Mysterious Young Woman."

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