A Symphony of Vengeance

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Gabriel's private swimming pool, usually a haven for solace, now echoed with the ominous ripples of uncertainty. His swim laps had failed to drown out the weight of his impending conversation with his father. The divorce loomed like a storm, and Gabriel found himself treading the turbulent waters of his own conscience.

As he emerged from the pool, drops of water clung to his body like silent witnesses to his internal struggle. Toweling off, he reached for his phone, seeking an escape from the suffocating silence that enveloped him. Little did he know that the call awaiting him would plunge him into a deeper abyss.

"Hello," Gabriel uttered into the phone, but the silence on the other end was deafening. A chill crawled up his spine as he repeated his greeting, only to be met with an unsettling void. Then, a muffled cry pierced through the silence, and a sense of foreboding seized him.

"Please, help me," a desperate female voice pleaded, and Gabriel's heart tightened. The familiar timbre revealed the speaker's identity – his beloved sister, Angelica. Panic mingled with anger as he demanded, "Angelica!"

A malevolent laughter echoed on the line, sending shivers down Gabriel's spine. "Well, Mr. Hamilton, how does that sound?" the mysterious voice taunted, the malicious intent palpable. Gabriel's anger boiled over as he shouted, "You motherf*cker! Leave my sister!"

A chilling tsk emanated from the other side. "Don't worry. I will, but you'll have to give me something in return, or rather, someone," declared the mysterious voice. After a brief pause, he continued, "Give me Amelia and your sister will be safe." Gabriel's world shattered. "Why do you think I will give you my wife, f*cker? If you touch my sister, I swear I will finish you and your entire bloodline!" Gabriel roared his voice a thunderous declaration of his wrath.

The enigmatic voice chuckled heartlessly, intensifying Gabriel's feeling of unease. "I've just dispatched a video to you; be sure to watch it. You have until tomorrow, or your dear sister here will meet her end. I'll be in touch," the voice declared before abruptly terminating the call.

Gabriel's hands trembled as he opened the SMS containing the video. Horror gripped him as he witnessed his sister, helpless on a medical table, subjected to shocks at regular intervals. His heart clenched at the sight, the silent agony etched on Angelica's face. His sister's suffering became a cruel pawn in a sadistic game.

"You've messed with the wrong person," Gabriel muttered, a vow forged in the crucible of desperation. With determination burning in his eyes, he attempted to call Sebastian, the guardian he trusted to look after Angelica. However, the unreachable number fueled Gabriel's frustration.

"F*ck," he cursed, the word a bitter taste on his lips. In a swift motion, he left the serene confines of his swimming pool, the night air now thick with a sinister urgency. The echoes of his shouted commands summoned his guards, and the mansion, once a bastion of opulence, became a fortress against an impending threat.

The night stretched before him, ominous and unyielding. Gabriel knew that the shadows held secrets, and within those secrets, he would unearth the key to saving his sister from the malevolent force that sought to tear his world apart.


Gabriel's father's office, typically a bastion of power and control, now reverberated with the thunderous force of a revelation that shattered the Hamilton family's illusion of invincibility.

"What do you mean Angelica got kidnapped?" The Gabriel's father bellowed, his authoritative voice resonating within the walls. "I thought you entrusted her to Sebastian considering he was your loyal dog," he continued, disbelief giving way to a sinister rage. Someone had dared to challenge the Hamilton legacy by abducting a member of their bloodline.

Gabriel's father, a man of influence and danger, could hardly fathom the audacity of this act. Although he harbored an inherent disdain for his daughter, considering her a curse, the blood tie still bound them. The scandal of Angelica's kidnapping threatened to tarnish the impeccable reputation of the Hamiltons, a prospect he could not tolerate.

"Did you contact Benito to make sure this news has not leaked?" He demanded, sharp eyes fixed on Gabriel, seeking reassurance.

"I've already contacted him, and this information hasn't been disclosed. I've briefed him on the necessary steps to track down that individual. However, our immediate priority is to rescue Angelica; She is in a lot of pain," Gabriel conveyed, his distress palpable in his voice.

"GABRIEL! You are a man, and I challenge you not to shed tears over a woman. I understand she is your sister, but you must maintain your strength. You hold the position of Don for a reason," his father admonished, a harsh reminder of the burden of leadership that Gabriel carried. He needed to be the unyielding force that the Hamiltons were known for.

In the confines of his father's office, Gabriel revealed the grim truth, showing the video the kidnapper had sent. The room, once a haven of power, now hosted the vulnerability of a fractured family.

Just as the weight of the situation settled upon them, Gabriel's phone rang. After the call ended, a dangerous smile played on his face.

"Benito has successfully located him. It appears they are in close proximity to our current location. Today, we are launching an attack," Gabriel declared with an evil smirk. The audacity of the kidnapper had ignited a flame of vengeance within him.

"Don't kill him there. Bring him to our basement, and I trust you're aware of what needs to be done next," Gabriel's father instructed with unwavering confidence.

Gabriel nodded in acknowledgment. The silent understanding conveyed that justice would be dispensed in the cold confines of the Hamilton's basement.

Under the cover of darkness, the Hamilton men moved stealthily, guided by the coordinates Benito had provided. The air was thick with tension as they approached the location of the kidnapper's lair.

The assault was swift and precise. Gabriel, fueled by a blend of anger and desperation, led the charge. The echoes of gunfire mingled with the night, a symphony of vengeance.

In the dimly lit room, Gabriel found Angelica in a broken state, unconscious and vulnerable. His heart wrenched at the sight, but he couldn't afford to succumb to emotion. He gathered her fragile form into his arms, a protective embrace that sought to shield her from the horrors she had endured.

Simultaneously, the kidnapper was apprehended, a pitiful figure now at the mercy of the Hamiltons. He was brought home, a captive of the darkness that veiled the Hamilton estate. Dumped into the basement, the kidnapper awaited the judgment that Gabriel would deliver, a reckoning that would unfold in the shadows of the family's legacy.

As they descended into the depths of the Hamilton mansion, Gabriel couldn't shake the haunting juxtaposition of the powerful and the powerless within the same walls. The journey towards justice had just begun, and the Hamiltons would ensure that their legacy remained intact, unmarred by the audacity of those who sought to challenge it.

It's a short chapter still unedited. Hope you like it.

I will finish this book after 5 or more chapters. There will be a twist in the next chapter. Please let me know what ending are you expecting 😁

Thank you all for your continued support.

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