Unveiling secrets.

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Amelia's POV

The situation was incredibly embarrassing. How could I not have realized that this elegant and luxurious room would belong to him?

"Um...sorry, I didn't know. Don't worry, I'll find another room," I stammered, feeling utterly flustered.

"No, it's fine. You can stay here. I don't mind," he responded casually. I simply nodded, feeling a mix of awkwardness and gratitude for his understanding. Without lingering, I retreated into the room's walk-in closet, selecting a simple yet cute floral dress to wear. Once dressed, I left the closet and noticed the sound of running water from the adjoining washroom, indicating that he was in the midst of a shower.

Fighting off my boredom, I decided to explore the mansion. I gently closed the door behind me as I stepped out of the room and turned left, my curiosity piqued by the sight of another staircase. It led further upstairs, and my intrigue prompted me to ascend and see what lay beyond. Continuing on, I soon reached another door. Just as I was about to open it, a woman intervened, halting my movement. She appeared to be in her fifties, her attire a tight dress that seemed at odds with her overly manipulated face – a testament to the excesses of cosmetic treatments. The whole sight was rather cringe-worthy.

"You're not supposed to be here! Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?" The woman's voice thundered at me. Before I could even offer an explanation, she cut me off, fueling her accusations. "Are you a thief? Sneaking into the Hamilton mansion to steal? You wretched woman!" Her words were a barrage, and without any restraint, she slapped me across the face.

The sting on my cheek brought tears to my eyes, and instinctively, I clutched the sore spot. "No, I'm not a thief. I'm here with Gabriel," I retorted, my frustration on the verge of boiling over. It was at that moment that Gabriel himself appeared on the scene.

"What's all this commotion? Mom, when did you arrive? You didn't inform me," he asked with apparent calmness.

"Just ten minutes ago, son. But who is this girl, and why is she in our house?" His mother's scrutiny was relentless, her gaze raking over me from head to toe.

Gabriel's eyes locked onto me, registering the bruised cheek, a fleeting expression of pain passing through his gaze. "Mom, you slapped her? For what reason? Are you out of your mind? She came with me, and she's staying here," his words dripped with indignation. Without further hesitation, he enveloped me in an embrace, a refuge amidst the turmoil. My emotions surged, and tears flowed freely as I wept against him.

"I mistook her for a thief. Never mind that now. Come downstairs; we need to discuss something crucial. And you, my dear, must share what transpired in Paris," she instructed him matter-of-factly before departing

"Gabriel, is that woman your mother? She's quite intimidating," I managed to say through my tears, still reeling from the encounter.

"Yes, she's my mother. She might come across as tough, but deep down, she's a good person. Now, stop crying and go back to your room. Stay there until I give you the signal," he soothed, his hand gently patting my back.

"But why? What's happening?" My curiosity got the better of me, and I gazed at him, seeking answers. However, his demeanor shifted abruptly, his expression turning stern. "Don't question me. Just go," he ordered firmly. Puzzled by his sudden change, I decided it was best not to push further. I followed his directive and returned to my room, trying to make sense of the strange situation. Perhaps he hadn't anticipated his mother's arrival today. As for her, well, I wasn't particularly fond of her from the start.

Gabriel's POV

My mother's unexpected presence had thrown a wrench into my plans. I made my way downstairs and found her lounging on the couch, leisurely sipping her wine. As always, she exuded an air of unpredictability. "So, she's the new target now," she mused with a chuckle.

"No, Mom. She means a lot to me. I had to stage that whole kidnapping scenario to make her compliant and believe my story," I explained, my frustration evident in my voice.

Curiosity glinted in her eyes as she leaned forward. "Does she know about the family's affairs, about our business?" she inquired, her gaze locked on mine.

"No, and I intend to keep it that way. I won't let her get entangled in that world. She's better off without knowing," I replied firmly, lighting a cigarette to help steady my nerves.

A knowing smile crept onto her lips. "You're walking a tightrope, my dear son. Secrets have a way of coming to light, no matter how hard you try to hide them."

Her words were a reminder of the precarious path I was treading. My priority was to protect Amelia from the darkness that engulfed my life, even if it meant deceiving her. Yet, my mother's ominous warning lingered in my mind, a reminder that the truth might catch up with us sooner or later.

"I said I won't let her know," I retorted sharply, my frustration evident in my tone. With a deep inhale, I took a drag of my cigarette. 

"She's a precious gem. I'm concerned that there might be unwelcome attention drawn to her here," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Never. She's mine. No one has any right to even look at her, let alone touch what belongs to me," I asserted with a possessive edge in my voice.

 "By the way, how did your deal in Paris go?" she inquired nonchalantly, taking another sip of her wine.

"Pierre agreed to the deal, and we're set to receive the shipment within a week. It's premium quality, I can assure you of that," I replied, a confident smirk gracing my lips.

"Excellent. Your father will be arriving in a month. He mentioned he's found a suitable girl for you to marry and settle down with," she informed me casually. 

"But Mom, I love Amelia. I don't want anyone else. It's her or no one," I blurted out, my emotions getting the better of me.

"That's something you'll need to discuss with your father. But I didn't tell you to cut ties with her completely. You can keep her as a mistress," she suggested with a wicked grin.

"Absolutely not! Are you out of your mind? I will only marry her," I growled, crushing the cigarette in the ashtray. "Yeah, whatever," she retorted, then stood up. "I'm heading to a party. So, toodles." She kissed me on the cheek and left.

I have to propose to Amelia soon, before my father arranges a marriage with someone else. I also need to inform him about her. My angel deserves better, and I'm determined to make her mine in every sense of the word.

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