Fury Unleashed

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Gabriel's POV

The oppressive dampness of the basement enfolded me as I descended the worn, creaking stairs, the air thick with the unsettling anticipation of confrontation. The flickering light barely managed to unveil the scene before me, exposing a figure sprawled in the center of the room - my sister's kidnapper, a man who dared to challenge the sanctity of the Hamilton family.

My eyes squinted as I meticulously scrutinized the battered form before me. Adrenaline, once clouding my vision during the assault, now dissipated in the stark reality of the dimly lit basement. Bloodied and broken, his clothes in tatters, the man lay there, a pitiful sight.

His voice, defiant and laced with bitterness, pierced through the heavy silence. "Now you know how it feels to have someone you love taken away," he spat, a cruel smirk etching his bruised face.

I narrowed my eyes, attempting to discern the familiar contours beneath the bloodstains. Recognition struck me like a bolt of lightning. "Jonathan Hutton, huh?" I chuckled, the revelation sending shockwaves through me. I hadn't anticipated the kidnapper to be Amelia's brother. Daring indeed.

"Well, it appears you're a bit out of the loop. Your sister has chosen to be with me, and now she's my wife." I circled him, revealing my face to him. The shock on Jonathan's face was evident, his eyes widening almost comically.

"Rubbish. My sister would never choose to wed a bastard like you." Jonathan spat the words with venom, and I felt a surge of anger. I couldn't tolerate being insulted by someone like him. A punch landed in his gut, a reprimand for his disrespect. "Don't ever disrespect me."

"Here's another piece of good news," I continued, relishing the shock that twisted Jonathan's expression, "you've become an uncle." A smirk played on my lips as his eyes struggled to comprehend the revelation.

I left him there, bound by the chains of truth he couldn't escape. There was a better plan to make him suffer, to make him understand the gravity of his actions.

The basement door creaked as I emerged into the dimly lit hallway, the scent of dampness lingering in the air. My steps echoed through the silent mansion as I made my way to where Angelica lay. The weight of the revelation about Jonathan's identity lingered in my mind, a tangled web of emotions threatening to unravel.

Entering the room where Angelica rested, I was met with the pale glow of a single bedside lamp. Her frail form lay still, a stark contrast to the turmoil that had unfolded in the basement. The bruises on her delicate skin were testament to the pain she had endured, the shadows of suffering etched upon her face.

I approached the bed, the softness of her breath barely audible. Gently, I reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face. The vulnerability in her unconscious state weighed heavily on my conscience. I had failed to protect her, and the guilt gnawed at the edges of my resolve.

In that silent moment, I made a silent vow to ensure that no harm would befall my family again. The shadows that lurked in the corners of our lives needed to be eradicated, their existence a threat to the sanctuary we sought to maintain.

Author's POV

In the dimly lit room, the atmosphere hung heavy with the remnants of despair and unspoken sorrows. Angelica lay in restless slumber, the echoes of her recent ordeal lingering in the shadows.

Amelia, her eyes swollen from tears, sat by the bedside, watching over her sister-in-law with a mixture of concern and heartache. Mother Grace, the embodiment of steadfast support, had tended to Angelica's wounds, leaving the room momentarily to give the family a moment of privacy. Angelica's mother, on the other hand, wore a façade of pity rather than the expected anguish of a worried parent. Her eyes betrayed a distant sorrow, detached from the immediate pain that filled the room.

Gabriel entered, his face etched with worry as he approached Angelica's bedside. Gently caressing her face, he seemed to drown in the turmoil of emotions. Angelica's mother quietly withdrew from the room, leaving the trio in a tense silence.

"I'm so sorry. She does not deserve this," Amelia uttered through her sobs, the weight of empathy heavy in her voice. However, her words, meant as comfort, struck a chord of anger within Gabriel. The reminder that Angelica suffered at the hands of her brother fueled a surge of fury.

Unbridled rage distorted Gabriel's expression, his anger finding an unexpected target. In a swift motion, he stood from the bedside, crossed the room, and delivered a resounding slap to Amelia's face. Shock and confusion etched across her features as she recoiled from the unexpected blow.

"Gabriel, what di—" Amelia began, her voice trembling with confusion and sorrow, but he silenced her with a harsh shush. His grip tightened on her hair, an act of control in the chaos of his emotions.

"This is all because of you," he accused, his words dripping with blame. Amelia, still reeling from the slap, sobbed uncontrollably. Gabriel, consumed by anger, grabbed her hair tighter, instructing her to shut up.

"Gabriel, you're hurting me," she pleaded, her voice carrying the vulnerability of a wounded soul. He callously dismissed her pain, claiming it was fitting for her to feel the hurt, just as Angelica had suffered because of her.

Amelia, bewildered and desperate for an explanation, couldn't comprehend the sudden turn of events. Gabriel, still blinded by his rage, dropped a bombshell on her.

"I'm ending our marriage. We are over," he declared, the words echoing in the room with finality. Fueled by anger, he continued, "That doesn't grant you freedom; instead, it condemns you to a life of servitude under my control." With those cutting words, he released his hold on her hair and left the room, leaving behind a confused and sobbing Amelia.

The room, once a sanctuary of familial bonds, now echoed with the shattered remnants of a love that had succumbed to the darkness that enveloped the Hamilton legacy.

Amelia, alone and broken, sank to the floor, her sobs echoing in the empty room. The weight of the revelations, the pain of losing the Gabriel she loved, bore down on her fragile shoulders.

Meanwhile, Jonathan Hutton, still bound in the basement, grappled with the consequences of his actions. The revelation of becoming an uncle and the truth about his sister's feelings hit him like a freight train. The darkness of the damp room mirrored the shadows that now enveloped his own heart.

As the mansion stood engulfed in the echoes of shattered relationships, a storm brewed within the Hamilton family, threatening to leave nothing but wreckage in its wake. The oppressive dampness that clung to the basement seemed to seep through the cracks, penetrating the very foundation of the once proud and untarnished lineage.

The chapter is still unedited. How do you like the twist? 👀

If you're wondering, then yes, Amelia will get justice. 🕊️

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