A night to remember

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After a short drive, we arrived at a restaurant. Gabriel got out of the car and swiftly made his way to my side. He opened the door and extended his hand, helping me step out of the car. What a gentleman he was being. His arm rested gently around my waist as we strolled towards the restaurant's entrance. The place exuded elegance, and I found myself captivated by its beauty.

As we reached the entrance, Gabriel tossed the car key to the valet, and the doorman graciously held the door open for us. His confidence and demeanor spoke volumes—clearly, he felt right at home here. Well, he did own Hamilton Enterprise, so that wasn't a surprise. I couldn't help but think how fortunate he was to have such wealth and power.

An elegantly attired woman, donning a professional uniform and high heels, greeted us with a warm smile. "Welcome, Mr. Hamilton and Miss Hutton. Please follow me; I'll show you to your table," she said in a polite and practiced manner. As we walked behind her, I couldn't help but marvel at the restaurant's decor and the impeccably dressed patrons. Their attire exuded an air of refinement that made me suddenly conscious of my own appearance.

"Here is the table you've reserved. Take your time to decide on your order. Enjoy your evening," the hostess said with a practiced smile before leaving us to ourselves.

As I laid eyes on the table he had chosen for us, I was truly taken aback. The setting was simply stunning.

We were blessed with a breathtaking view of the entire city, made even more captivating by the hues of the setting sun painting the skyline.

"Gabriel, this place is absolutely stunning. Words fail to capture its beauty. And look at the view, the whole city is laid out before us," I exclaimed with genuine excitement.

My longing to capture the picturesque scene was met with surprise when Gabriel handed me his phone. "Here, take a picture so that you can always remember this moment," he offered, his smile warm and sincere.

I accepted the phone and managed to capture a photo that did some justice to the stunning vista. Yet, the real-life view was beyond any photograph. After returning his phone, he tucked it into his pocket and then graciously pulled out a chair for me. As I seated myself, he expertly adjusted it closer to the table, displaying his innate consideration.

With the napkin on my lap, I noticed him doing the same. Our synchronicity in these small actions was a silent testament to our growing rapport. The attentive waiter arrived, offering us menus, and I reciprocated his nod with a grateful smile as he left us to decide on our orders.

As I perused the menu, I found myself bewildered by the unfamiliar names of the dishes – Pinchos, Calamari, and more. The prices, too, were notably higher than what I was accustomed to. The thought crossed my mind that I could purchase numerous packs of instant noodles for the cost of a single dish here.

Attempting to navigate the unfamiliar offerings, I settled on the most budget-friendly option – the green salad along with a sparkling water. When I glanced up, I observed that Gabriel was still engrossed in his menu.

Before I could ponder further, the waiter arrived. "What would you like, angel?" Gabriel inquired, drawing my attention.

I hesitated before responding, "Um... I'll go with the green salad and a sparkling water." My choice seemed to be met with a quizzical expression from the waiter.

"Is that your choice?" he remarked, clearly disapproving.

Before I could respond, Gabriel interjected firmly, "She won't have that. She'll have the Escape Delight and a soda. And for me, bring the Churrasco along with the finest wine you have."

The waiter noted down the orders and left our table, leaving me slightly embarrassed by my initial choice. It seemed Gabriel had different plans for our dinner.

Gabriel's ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now