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The pen trembled in Amelia's hand as she signed the necessary papers. The cold metallic feel of the pen, the sterile surroundings, and the distant sounds of prison life formed a disconcerting backdrop to the momentous decision she was making. The guards, impassive and efficient, guided her through the labyrinthine corridors, each step taking her closer to the heart of darkness she had once escaped.

The air grew colder as she approached the cell, tucked away in the farthest reaches of the prison. The dim, flickering light did little to dispel the shadows that seemed to dance around her. Amelia's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of trepidation and a newfound resolve. She needed to do this—confront the source of her nightmares, face the embodiment of her past.

Finally, she stood before the cell. The metallic bars loomed like a spectral barrier between her and the person who had haunted her for so long. Gabriel, clad in an orange prison uniform, sat on the bunk, his head bowed, hands intertwined on his legs. The image was a stark departure from the once-charismatic figure who had cast a shadow over her life.

"Gabriel," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the suffocating silence. As the sound reached him, his head snapped up, and piercing ocean-blue eyes locked onto hers. A chill ran down Amelia's spine, but she refused to let fear dictate her actions.

"Now you must know how it feels to be in a cage," she declared, her voice steady despite the lingering fear. "Having no power to do anything."

Gabriel chuckled, a sound that reverberated within the confines of the cell. "Don't worry, Angel. I will have you back soon in my arms," he sneered, his tone dripping with malevolence. "And then, I will punish you and kill the person who helped you escape."

Amelia felt a shiver down her spine, her thoughts involuntarily drifting to Adrian. The mere mention of his potential demise sent a pang of terror through her, but she refused to let Gabriel see her vulnerability. "Enjoy the short time of freedom, Angel," he continued, a sinister smirk etching across his face. "Soon, you will be in my embrace."

Amelia, now facing the embodiment of her nightmares, stood tall. "Your threats won't work on me anymore, Gabriel," she declared, her voice resonating with a newfound strength. "I am no longer under your control. I will not let fear dictate my life."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed, a predatory glint flashing within them. "You may have escaped physically, but you will always belong to me, Angel. No matter where you go, I will find you," he hissed, venom lacing his words.

Amelia, refusing to engage further, turned to leave. As she walked away from the cell, a mixture of relief and lingering unease enveloped her. The encounter had been harrowing, a confrontation with the darkest chapter of her past, yet she emerged with a sense of triumph.

Outside the prison walls, the world felt different. The air was fresher, the colors brighter, and a weight had lifted from her shoulders. Amelia knew she had faced the demon that had tormented her, and in that confrontation, she had discovered a resilience she never knew she possessed.

_________*****THE END*****_________

Hello everyone! I appreciate you taking the time to read my story and offering your support. I've been working on this book since 2020 when I was still 16 or 17.(That's why it's cringy in the beginning) and, amidst other commitments, left it unfinished. Today, I'm happy to announce its completion.

As suggested by some of you, there won't be a second book. However, I've already embarked on a new book titled 'YARA.' Though it might seem mundane, trust me, it's far from it. This new book will delve into dark romance, with a touch of obsession and a hefty dose of revenge. It's explicit, and if you enjoyed 'Gabriel's Obsession,' I believe you'll find 'YARA' captivating too.

 It's explicit, and if you enjoyed 'Gabriel's Obsession,' I believe you'll find 'YARA' captivating too

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Here's the cover I've designed. I hope you like it. I've already shared a few chapters, so feel free to take a look and give it a read. Let me know if you'd like me to continue the story.

Don't forget to vote and comment ♥️

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