In the Depths of Despair

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Amelia found herself alone in the quiet sanctuary of her room, its subdued ambiance accentuating the shadows that danced eerily around her. The events of the day had exacted a heavy toll on her, leaving her emotionally drained and physically bruised. Her gaze fixated on the dark imprints on her arm, stark reminders of Gabriel's tumultuous anger, a manifestation of the ominous undercurrents within the  mansion.

As her fingers delicately traced the bruises, an involuntary shiver coursed through her. The dreams of love and happiness she once held dear upon marrying Gabriel now felt like distant illusions, replaced by the stark reality of a haunting nightmare that held her captive.

The door creaked open, and Gabriel entered with an air of dominance that permeated the room. His eyes, once twisted with a peculiar affection, now bore the weight of unsettling possessiveness.

"Amelia," he called, his voice a low, commanding growl.

Amelia turned to face him, her eyes betraying a mixture of fear and confusion. "Gabriel, please... I can't endure this any longer. What have I done to deserve this?"

A sinister smirk played on Gabriel's lips as he approached, his movements predatory. "Deserve? You deserve everything I give you, Amelia. You're mine, and you'd do well to remember that."

Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes as she grappled with the chaos engulfing her life. "But... I thought we were married because you loved me."

Gabriel chuckled, the sound bereft of warmth. "Love, my dear, is a fickle thing. It can be a source of pleasure or pain. In our case, it's a bit of both. You should be grateful, Amelia; not everyone gets to experience such a thrilling ride."

The room seemed to constrict, the air thick with the toxicity of Gabriel's presence. Amelia's voice quivered as she spoke, her vulnerability laid bare. "Please, Gabriel, I beg you. Let me go. I can't live like this."

Gabriel's eyes flashed with a dangerous glint, and he roughly grabbed Amelia's arm, squeezing with an intensity that made her wince. "You belong to me, Amelia. I won't let you go. You're mine, and I'll remind you of that as many times as it takes."

Desperation etched across her face, Amelia pleaded, "What did I do to make you hate me so much? Why are you doing this?"

Gabriel's grip tightened, and he spat out, "Hate you? Oh, my sweet Amelia, it's not hatred. It's control. I own you, and you'll do whatever I say. Got it?"

Amelia's silent nod was an admission of defeat, her spirit slowly breaking under the weight of Gabriel's dominance. As he released her arm, a surge of pain shot through her, a cruel reminder of the chains that bound her to this tormented existence.

Just then, the door swung open, revealing Mother Grace, her usually calm demeanor replaced by a stern expression. "Gabriel, what is the meaning of this?"

Gabriel's eyes flickered with irritation, but he composed himself quickly. "Mother Grace, we were having a private conversation. I suggest you leave."

The head maid, however, stood her ground. "I will not stand by and watch you mistreat Amelia like this. It's unacceptable."

Gabriel scoffed, his arrogance unyielding. "Unacceptable? Mother Grace, you should know better than to interfere in matters that don't concern you. Amelia is my wife, and I'll discipline her as I see fit."

Mother Grace's gaze hardened, a rare defiance in her usually gentle eyes. "Discipline? This is abuse, Gabriel. You've gone too far."

In a swift motion, Gabriel advanced towards Mother Grace, his voice dripping with menace. "You forget your place, old woman. I suggest you learn it quickly before you suffer the consequences."

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