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The day Amelia had long awaited had finally arrived, draped in an air of suspense and secrecy. For the past few days, she had played the role of a docile companion to Gabriel, her captor, ensuring not to arouse any suspicion. Gabriel, fortunately, remained oblivious to her underlying intentions. As the hours ticked away, Amelia discreetly prepared for her escape, packing only the essentials, particularly for her precious twins. Among her belongings was a mobile phone, a lifeline given to her by Adrian just two days prior. Its ring would be the key to her liberation.

Gabriel, engrossed in his daily work routine, was absent from the mansion. This absence provided Amelia with the window she needed. In their shared room, she anxiously awaited the crucial call from Adrian, her ally in this clandestine mission. The mobile buzzed in her pocket, and she hastily answered, her heart pounding with anticipation.

"Come to the back garden. Ensure no one sees you. If questioned, mention you're taking the kids for a stroll," Adrian's voice whispered through the phone, urging caution. Amelia nodded in agreement, her mind racing with the intricacies of the plan. With Rose and Luna snugly settled in their stroller, she kissed them gently, promising freedom on this fateful day.

Navigating through the mansion's interior, Amelia found herself in the back garden, a space shrouded in shadows and secrecy. However, as she embarked on her journey, Paige, caught sight of her. Paige interrupted, her tone dripping with mockery, "Hey, mistress, where do you think you're going? Aren't you supposed to be chained in your room?" A nervous smile played on Amelia's lips as she replied, "Just taking the babies for a stroll."

Paige, indifferent to Amelia's affairs, dismissed her with a chuckle and walked away. A wave of relief washed over Amelia as she continued towards her rendezvous point. The back garden became the setting for a clandestine meeting between Amelia and Adrian.

Adrian materialized, his presence a beacon of hope in the dimly lit garden. "There's a back door on the left. Go there, and a car will be waiting for you," he instructed in hushed tones. Concern etched on her face, Amelia inquired about Jonathan, her brother still confined in the mansion's basement. Adrian's expression darkened as he admitted, "I couldn't free him. He's still in the basement."

Amelia's heart sank. She couldn't abandon her brother to the clutches of Gabriel, knowing the dire consequences he might face. Panic and sorrow welled up within her, threatening to shatter the fragile hope that had sustained her until now. "No. No. No. I can't leave him here. Gabriel will kill him," she pleaded, her voice on the verge of breaking.

Adrian, empathetic but resolute, disclosed a revelation that sent tremors through Amelia's understanding of the situation. "Do you know what is going to happen today?" he asked. A puzzled expression adorned Amelia's face as she shook her head. "There will be a raid here tonight. Your brother will be free, and every member of the family will be arrested."

The revelation struck like lightning, illuminating the shadows of Amelia's ignorance. A surge of conflicting emotions swept over her – relief for her brother, fear for the impending chaos, and gratitude toward Adrian for being her unlikely savior. "Don't worry, Amelia. Everything will be fine," Adrian reassured her, his blue eyes reflecting sincerity and warmth. It was a stark contrast to the fear she had once associated with him. "Now go fast," he urged.

Following Adrian's instructions, she found the back door and discovered a waiting car. With a racing heart, she placed Rose and Luna in the car, the vehicle wasting no time in speeding away. As the mansion dwindled in the rearview window, Amelia couldn't help but watch her past life disappear. Finally, the weight of her misery lifted, and the thrill of escape surged through her veins.

Amelia gazed at the mansion, a mix of emotions flooding her. The dark secrets that lurked within those walls were no longer her burden to bear. The car sped through the night, carrying her and her precious cargo away from the clutches of Gabriel's control.

As she looked back at the mansion one last time, Amelia couldn't shake the realization that her life had taken a dramatic turn. From the submissive prisoner to a woman on the run, every passing moment propelled her further into the unknown.

The road ahead was uncertain, but the taste of freedom was intoxicating. Amelia clutched her twins tightly, their innocence a stark contrast to the web of deceit and treachery she had escaped. The night held its secrets, but Amelia was determined to carve a new path, leaving behind the shadows that had imprisoned her for far too long.

The car came to a sudden halt, jolting Amelia out of her thoughts. As she peered out of the window, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. The familiar surroundings revealed she had reached her childhood home, a place she hadn't seen in nearly two years. The house stood unchanged, a silent witness to the time that had passed.

Emotions tugged at Amelia's heart as she held Rose and Luna in her arms. She wondered how her mother would react. The thought that her mother might have believed she was dead since the day she was kidnapped weighed heavily on her. In the quiet moments of captivity, Amelia had often pondered the pain her disappearance must have caused. Her mother, a victim of uncertainty and despair, would have surely lost hope.

With trepidation, Amelia stepped out of the car and approached the familiar front door. The air was thick with anticipation as she hesitated for a moment. Taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage to knock. The sound echoed through the quiet neighborhood, signaling her return to a life left behind.

To her surprise, the door swung open, revealing none other than her mother. The shock on her face transformed into sheer disbelief as she took in the sight of her daughter standing there with twins in her arms. The silence hung heavy in the air before Amelia spoke, "Mom, I'm back."

We are nearing towards the end. Two more chapters left.
What will happen to Gabriel?👀

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