Bound by Vows and Secrets

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"Mr. Gabriel Hamilton, do you take Ms. Amelia Hutton to be your lawfully wedded spouse, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" The priest's voice resonated in the chapel.

"I do," Gabriel replied with unwavering determination, his gaze locked affectionately onto Amelia's hazel-blue eyes.

The priest then turned to Amelia, his gaze kind and encouraging. "And do you, Ms. Amelia Hutton, take Mr. Gabriel Hamilton to be your lawfully wedded spouse?"

"I do," she answered, her voice steady and filled with emotion.

With their affirmations, the priest acknowledged that the couple had solemnly declared their consent to be united in marriage. He offered a prayer for God's blessings upon their union and pronounced, "What God has joined together, let no one put asunder."

In the next moment, Gabriel slipped a stunning diamond ring onto Amelia's delicate ring finger, his touch gentle yet significant. "Amelia, receive this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity," he declared, sealing the sentiment with a soft, tender kiss on her hand.

In return, Amelia slid a silver ring onto Gabriel's finger, her voice clear as she repeated the time-honored words. With the signing of the wedding certificate, their commitment was etched into the records of time.

As the anticipation reached its zenith, the priest proclaimed, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Without the slightest delay, Gabriel drew Amelia into an ardent kiss, the intensity of his affection undeniable. Their union was sealed in a moment of passion and promise, leaving Angelica hooting with excitement while the guests erupted in joyous applause.

Amidst the celebrations and well-wishing, there remained two notable absences—Gabriel's parents. Unperturbed by their absence, Gabriel held Amelia close, secure in the knowledge that she was now legally and irrevocably his, regardless of anyone else's reservations.


Amelia and Gabriel were en route to their reception venue, seated side by side in a sleek black limousine. The atmosphere inside was a mixture of happiness and unspoken thoughts. Although Amelia was elated, a tinge of sadness lingered in her heart for Gabriel's parents' absence from the wedding.

"What's on your mind, my dear wife?" Gabriel's voice broke the silence, infused with a playful undertone. Her heart danced at the endearment, her emotions entwined with his every word.

"Your parents didn't come for the wedding. Is it because of me?" she asked, a note of sorrow tainting her voice.

"Angel, don't ever place blame on yourself. Their absence doesn't matter to me. They will come around, eventually," Gabriel assured her sincerely, his gaze locked onto the road ahead.

"Gabriel, when will I get to meet my parents?" Amelia's concern hung heavily in the air, her voice tinged with worry. "You said I would introduce you to them before our wedding. Then you said it would be better after the wedding. But now, I fear they think I'm gone forever."

Seeing her tears glistening, Gabriel's heart ached. His deception weighed on him, yet he maintained his facade, motivated by the desire to protect their relationship. "Please don't cry, Angel. I promise I will make arrangements for you to meet them. Just trust me and focus on enjoying our newlywed moments."

They arrived at the reception venue, a discreet location chosen to evade unnecessary media attention. Gabriel had meticulously kept their wedding under wraps, determined to safeguard their privacy.

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