Love's Flames Ignited

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Amelia's POV

We arrived at the mansion, and fatigue enveloped me, craving nothing more than to slip into bed and surrender to a peaceful slumber. Yet, the knowledge of Gabriel's earlier expressed intentions prevented such a simple indulgence—his desire to share an intimate moment hung in the air.

As we crossed the mansion's threshold, the living room unveiled Gabriel's parents engrossed in an intense conversation. Their attention pivoted toward us, their gazes fixated upon our entrance. I found myself unable to meet their eyes, opting instead to lower my gaze. An aura of trepidation clung to me in their presence. Gabriel's father exuded an air of stern authority, his demeanor marked by an austere countenance and an unwaveringly puritanical stance.

"Tomorrow morning, in my office," his father declared, leaving no room for discourse. Without lingering for a response, he promptly retreated to his bedroom. His mother's gaze bore into me, and she too followed her husband's lead, leaving the room in a silent procession. Unbeknownst to me, tears had welled up until Gabriel enveloped me in a consoling embrace.

"Hush now, don't shed a tear, love," he murmured soothingly. "I deeply apologize for their treatment of you. Please believe me when I say I will protect you from any harm."

"Let us retire to our room," he suggested, and together we withdrew into the sanctuary of our private space.

Upon entering, I sought solace in the embrace of a steaming shower, emerging feeling rejuvenated and light. Clad in a modest white nightdress, I felt a sense of freshness wash over me. The shower had been a much-needed respite. Exiting the bathroom, I was greeted by the sight of Gabriel, his chest bare, seated upon the bed, his oceanic blue eyes fixed upon me.

A rush of warmth tinged my cheeks, and my fingers instinctively found the hem of my dress, my face suffused with a blush.

"Come here," he beckoned in a voice drenched with seduction. I took measured steps, stopping before him.

"You possess a beauty beyond words," he whispered, his fingers tracing the contours of my figure. Each touch sent ripples of sensation coursing through me.

"Siton daddy's lap," he purred enticingly. I glanced at him, taken aback by the undertones of his suggestion. Despite my surprise, I acquiesced, perching myself upon his lap. The undeniable presence of his arousal against me elicited a deeper flush, met by a soft chuckle from him.

"Allow your desires to unfurl against me," he murmured, his gaze holding mine in an unbreakable bond.

"What?" I was utterly bewildered. What was he implying with those words?

"Simply yield to it. You'll experience pleasure, love," he cooed, his touch grazing my cheeks. With a hesitant start, I initiated a slow, deliberate motion, succumbing to his suggestion. And indeed, he was right—each movement of my core against his firmness ignited a sensation of exquisite pleasure. Unintentional moans escaped my lips, betraying the intensity of the sensation.

"That's it, my love. You're doing splendidly," he murmured in a voice laden with sensuality. My arms found their place around his neck, and in a bold move, I leaned in to kiss him. It marked the first time I had initiated such an intimate act, my heart racing within my chest. Every detail flooded my senses—the softness of his lips against mine, the intoxicating way he enveloped me entirely.

A surge of warmth unfurled from the pit of my stomach, radiating through my chest. Gabriel responded by deepening the kiss, his tongue gently parting my lips. In that instant, my heart performed a rhythmic dance, the scent of him exerting an almost hypnotic pull. Sensations rippled across my entire body, the sensation of his arousal pressing against my eager core as my arms held him close feeling instinctive and right.

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