Chapter 45 Puzzle

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I follow her gaze from my ring up to my forearm. There are little spots trailing along the inner part of my arm. I rub my hand over the tender spotted skin.

"I think from the other night. I thought I was having some type of twisted dream or nightmare so I kept pinching myself to see if I was awake." I now have Dre and Sherrie's full attention. I feel uneasy under their watchful eyes. "You know... when Curtis proposed." I feel so strange saying that. The words still sound like a fake fairytale. A fairytale gone wrong. A tingle climbs my spine, "Please stop staring at me like that." They both look away and to each other. "I'm going upstairs." I turn away from the two of them and head straight for my room.

I can feel emotions taking over me. I am so tired of the pity in people's eyes, the way they look at me. The way they treat me. I hate it. I know I am going through things but I am becoming an adult. I am not a little kid anymore and I can handle it. People need to let me handle it the way I need to, the way I want to. Yes, things keep happening back-to-back. And yes, the shit hurts but let me deal with it. Let me feel it. I want to be looked at as someone who is handling their trials and tribulations, not as someone who is wounded and needs everyones condolences. I WILL BE FINE!

By the time I reach my room, I am fully irate and irritable. I am so over this! I slam my door with intention. That was a childlike hissy-fit. I scold myself. If you want to be looked at and treated like a young adult, then act like one. Stomping around, having outbursts and slamming doors is what children do. My inner conflict begins. Get over it! You are acting like a B R A T! Quit your shit and maybe people will take you seriously. SERIOUSLY! Fuck. I am right. I need to get over myself. Not everything is about me. And the people I love are allowed to feel for me, feel with me. They are going through it, too. Fuck, I am being a brat and a bitch.

I take a very large breath in and out and head back downstairs. I need to apologize for my roller-coaster of emotions. I make my way through the hallway and down the stairs. I can hear them talking about the meal for tonight and what Dre forgot to buy. Sherrie is offering to go to the store and get the items so he can start dinner. He agrees.

"Sherrie?" They both turn to me. I think I startled them. "First, I want to say sorry for yelling at you guys. I really am trying to get my emotions under control. I just hate it when you guys give me such pitiful look." They look at each other and back to me. "Second, can you do the asparagus on the grill like you did last year? Those were so good." She smiles and gives a little giggle.

"You are forgiven only because I know how much you enjoyed them. Not because I pity you." I roll my eyes at her.

"Don't forgive her so easily. She only apologized because she knows what is about to go down in the kitchen and on that grill. Don't let her fool you with her wanna-be innocent self. I see right through her." Dre squints his eyes at me. I stick my tongue out at him.

"Just remember you're in for a poisoning..." I threaten him. We all laugh together. This is way better!

"Okay. I'm off to Weggies. You want to come Molly?" She offers.

"Not this time. I need to be here to mess with the big bro while he's cooking." I squint back at him.

"I'll lock you in a closet if you get out of hand," he promises.

"If you can catch me." The laugh that comes out of him is contagious.

"I'm faster than I look. I promise you that!" He continues his hysterics.

Sherrie shakes her head at us as she gathers her purse and heads out of the garage door.

"Want some help?" I ask Dre.

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