Chapter 11 Speaker

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It feels nice to get out of the house. Strangely, I enjoy being in the moving vehicle. I was okay when my dad drove me home from the hospital but I honestly thought I may have issues being in a car again. I am oddly relaxed and not sure how to feel about it. Shouldn't I be scared or worried or terrified? I am as calm as can be. Weird.

I asked Dre if we could go to this one store in town. It is a small adorable boutique that I go to all the time. They have the cutest up to date clothes and they are not too expensive but my dad said no. Arms crossed and pouting. He asked Dre to bring me to this boutique in the town next to ours. In hopes that I would not be as recognized. Dre told me and Sherrie that my dad called ahead to make sure we had the store to ourselves.

I stare out of the window as Dre drives us to our destination. There is music softly playing in the background. All I can make out is a nice bass line. The beat sounds familiar. I ask Dre to turn it up a little. He does.

"...comin' for me,

through my diamonds, when they glistenin',

now pay attention: bless me please,

Father, I'm a ghost, in these..."

Tupac's lyrics to Hail Mary comes bumping out of the speakers.

When Dre sees me mouthing the words, he turns it back down.

"What you know about Pac?" I'm not sure yet of his tone.

"Nothing about his lifestyle but I love his music. I have his book with all his poems. He makes you feel his pain as if it was your own. He's a great writer. At least he was. I mean that is if he really IS dead."

Dre smile is huge.

"He ain't dead!" Shaking his head with disbelief and turns the music back up some. "Come on Sherrie. It's okay to admit you're enjoying some Tupac!" He receives a look from Sherrie.

"...Come with me!

Hail Mary, n----, run quick, see

What do we have here now?

Do you wanna ride or die?

La la-la-la la la la la..."

Leaving out the N-word, Sherrie recites Tupac's words along with him, while me and Dre gape at her with our mouths wide open.

Me and Dre join in with her. All three of us are bouncing around and dancing and yelling his words out into the SUV, creating our own concert. I ignore the shooting pains that appear every other movement. Who knew Sherrie enjoyed some Pac? I wonder what else I do not know about her.

It takes about 45 minutes to get there. Dre pulls up to the curb, gets out, and opens the door for me and Sherrie. We hop out of the large SUV with our sunglasses on and our hoodies in place. The boutique has a pastel purple sign with black lettering, in a beautiful calligraphy, WE FIT YOU, with lotus flowers bordering the sign. The trim around the 2 large windows are the same shade of purple. The color pops because of the black border from the stores on both sides of the boutique. A lady at the door holds it open for us as we scurry in as fast as we can. Dre closes the door behind us and stands outside of it.

We remove our sunglasses and hoodies. Our eyes begin to adjust to the brightness of the lights lining the store and I immediately see a few things I like. It is nice in here. It is Chic and smells like its own brand of perfume. This place is definitely higher end. Not surprised knowing my dad.

"Hello. Welcome!" the sales lady says. "You will notice that there's only a few of each item. We pride ourselves on personalized items. If something doesn't fit, we will tailor it to your liking! We WILL fit you!" She is very perky. "My name is Taze. Anything you need at all, please call me over to help!" Taze smiles and leaves us to look.

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