Chapter 20 Comfort

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Not again! Something smashes on the ground. I open my eyes as the flashes stop.

"You're going to pay for that!" an angry man says. Did she really just smash his camera? She is bold!

"So sue me. You ain't gonna get shit!" Tibby responds to his threat. "Come on. Let's get you out of here," she says to me. I follow her fast pace which is almost comical because I am just now noticing that she is shorter than me. Her little legs are moving faster than her body is allowing.

We make it to this huge piece of metal. It looks like the size of a boat. The car has long lines and is rectangular. Not like newer model vehicles that have smoother edges. This has to be a classic of some sort. I could lay on the hood it is so long. It looks to be a shade of green but it is hard to tell in this dimly lit parking lot.

"You can get in you know." She teases as she slides into the car. I am almost in when her door slams closed. I go to close the door but it does not close all the way. "You have to put some muscle into it for it to close." I open it back up and yank it closed. The door is heavy.

"What kind of car is this?" I have never been in a car like this. It is definitely older. The seats look like recliners. They are a cream color and leather. It seems bigger on the inside than is does on the outside. "Wait. Is that a cassette player?" I am in awe. The radio is even a turn dial. We both buckle in laughter.

"Yes it is." She answers through a giggle. "This is a 1983 Lincoln Continental Mark VI. My dad gave it to me when I turned 18. He loves this car!" She has pride in this car. I can tell by the smile across her face. She is so tiny in it. She turns the key and the engine turns over. I was expecting it to be much louder but it is a soft hum.

She pulls out of the parking space and heads towards the street. She goes right onto the road and presses the gas. The car speeds up slower than any vehicle I have ever been in. It drives really nice, though. Smooth.

"You can put on the radio if you want." She offers me.

"No. I'm okay. I like the silence." I explain. "If you don't mind." This is her car after all.

"I don't mind." She says and the still air around us begins to move as she rolls down her window some.

I investigate the car some more. The door locks and windows are all automatic. Her dashboard has a lot of different circles. I think four. The gear shift is around the steering column. She is so close to the steering wheel. I smile to myself. The front seats are connected. There is even a seat belt for a third person to sit up here. In the back window there is a hat, like one you would see a man wear to a formal event or to church. It has a large feather tucked into the thin piece of ribbon that wraps the hat. The backseat looks like a whole couch. There is a small throw blanket and a pillow back there.

"What's the blanket and pillow for? I mean I know what they are for but..." I feel kind of stupid for asking.

"I take naps back there on my breaks. I work a lot. My only day off is Monday's." She doesn't seem to mind my question. But why would she take naps in here? "You look confused."

"I mean, I get the napping part but why in your car? Do you not get enough sleep at night?" I am a little confused.

"Not really. I am a night owl on top of that, I have 2, sometimes 3, jobs to go to during the week." She cannot be serious. "I have nothing else to do, so why not make money? When I am not working, I am usually out with my friends dancing or with family. So that doesn't leave much time for sleep. I nap back there because it is easier and faster than going all the way home every time I go on break."

"I get it. But why so many jobs? I know you said money but that seems excessive." I know I am a little spoiled but...

"Why not? I might as well work while I am young and save as much money as possible before I am old and broken." She says with a shrug. She does not seem bothered by having to work so much.

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