Chapter 24 Moon

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"I'm walking out the door now...," a groaning Tibby says as she elongates each word. "I am not lying..." I am startled by banging on the wall right next to me. Then the noise stops. "Fiiiiiiiiiine! I am crawling out of bed now." She hangs up the phone and the pounding begins again for a few more seconds.

"Sis lives that close?" I say with so much amusement. This grants me a death glare. Under any other circumstance this may actually intimidate me. Her glare is almost as intense as Sherries. I am still laughing at the event that just took place.

Tibby sits there staring at absolutely nothing for a while. She looks like she is asleep with her eyes open. She has not moved since she set the phone down. It is kind of creepy. She does not even look like she is breathing. Her blankets are bunched around her like a barrier from the world.

"You okay?" I ask her with a grin. She looks at me without actually moving a muscle, only her eyes. "Okay, now that was just creepy. Like one of those wooden puppets." I begin to laugh at her expense, again.

She stares daggers into me for a few more seconds. Finally, she lets out this long exasperated moan, then throws herself back on the bed, growling and starts to shake her legs. Dramatic much?

"Please don't have a seizure in front of me," I joke but am half serious. "I am not equipped to deal with that right now." I most certainly am not.

"FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK..." She starts, "I don't waaaaannnnnnaaaa get up."

"They have pancakes and bacon!" I know she can hear the fun I am having right now because another pillow comes my way. I snatch it out of the air right as it is about to hit me. "You have a good pitching arm. Especially this early in the morning." I tease her further.

"Time?" she demands beyond annoyed.

"A little after 9," I inform her.

"Nope. Not happening. Nope. Nop-" She is cut off by a little kick at the door.

I get up to let this little person in. I can see a small shadow from the gap under the door, coming from the other side. I open the door. A little guy looks up at me confused with his little strawberry shaped face and light brown eyes. He puts his little hand to his mouth and he looks down the hallway towards the wall that was being banged on. As I go to look into the hallway, Tibby's voice pulls me back in.

"I'm up." He looks to her. She is now standing half behind me and halfway in the walkway to the living area. He goes running past me and into her arms. She bends over slightly to gather him in her arms. I didn't realize little legs could go that fast. Must be a thing in the family. I internally giggle at the comparison.

"Mommy says come on." His little voice is too damn cute. He wraps his little arms around her neck and clasps his tiny legs around her waist.

"Donte', this is Molly." He hides his face up against her chest. "Can you say hi?"

"Hi," he speaks into her chest. This gives me a big smile.

"It's okay to be bashful. I don't like strangers either," I say, trying to get him to look at me.

He looks up at me with the one eye I can see. Then he pulls his head away from her enough to whisper something in her ear. He uses his hand to conceal the secret. She smiles while looking at me.

"Do you want me to tell her?" she asks him. He nods his head and plants it back against her. "He says you're pretty."

"Aww. Aren't you sweet?" I touch his hand. He blushes and moves his hand to place it on his face. "I think you are a handsome little guy," returning his compliment. He puts his hand down and flashes me a smile.

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