Chapter 23 Different

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The hot water felt absolutely amazing to me. I think I was in there for at least thirty minutes. I smell like I belong on a beach on some tropical island with all the coconut and shea butter products she has in her shower. I am dressed in the shirt and shorts she left for me. I used her brush to brush my hair. I hope she does not mind. My mouth feels nice and clean. I was not too sure about the cinnamon toothpaste at first but it was not too bad. I watched as the light red spit swirled down the drain. Much more appealing that the faded color of blue. I hung the towels on the hooks above the heater and made sure I tidied up before I left the bathroom.

When I walk back to the living area, Tibby is propped up on her bed with pillows stacked behind her. Her eyes are going back and forth from her phone to the TV.

"Looks like the media is focused on another story now." She points to the TV.

The news is reporting a family house fire killing one and hospitalizing three. The fire spread to the next house, due to the wind and they are evacuating the houses around them. A crying lady is being interviewed with firefighters in the background, hosing the fire. An ambulance is in view with two scared crying children wrapped in blankets. I am now registering the media view and their need for a headline. This scene is so sad and heartbreaking.

"Sorry toots but you are yesterday's news now," Tibby says sarcastically. The relief that I will no longer be hassled is a nice feeling.

"I feel bad for the families but I am relieved that those fucking assholes have their sights set on someone else." My feelings are mixed but I am grateful. "I'm over that shit." She laughs some and I sit down on the futon she has now pulled out into a bed for me. Linens and all. She cleaned up the coffee table also. I spot a piece of rice on the floor that must have gotten away from her, I bend over and pick it up placing on the coffee table.

"Don't ever get famous then," she tells me.

"Never planned on it." I never actually thought about it before this moment. Being famous that is. My life was always planned with Curtis. Him and I wanted the all-American dream. College, marriage, house, kids, and our happily ever after. Fame was never mentioned or discussed.

"Yeah. Me either. I'll catch a case with them being all in my face and business. I hate that nosy shit." I know she is not full of shit by the way she smashed that camera earlier.

"Right. Agreed." I speak slowly as I lay down and position myself comfortably. "Thanks again for all this."

"No problem." Tibby seems to be nicer than she would like people to know.

I did not realize I had fallen asleep until I wake up to the sound of someone yelling, 'Fucking son of a bitch!' I hop up trying to figure out where I am. Am I dreaming? A light turns on in the distance, in the walk-in closet, and I suddenly regain my consciousness. I am at Tibby's place still. It is dark in here now. A small amount of light coming in from the moon but that is it. I grab my phone off the coffee table and it is now 2:24 am.

"Everything okay in there?" I softly call into the other room. I see a person appear but I can only make out the frame of a black shape in the doorway.

"I'm good. Stubbed my fucking toes while going to the bathroom. Stupid doorframe." We both laugh. "You would think I would know my way around this apartment by now."

"I'm constantly fucking myself up. Tripping. Falling. Knocking shit over. I have a real problem." I am trying to connect with her with my ability to hurt myself on any and everything.

"Having no depth perception can fucking hurt," As my eyes focus when she steps out of the doorway, Tibby is now wearing glasses. "Didn't mean to wake you up."

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