Chapter 4 Electronics

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I am sitting here on the couch alone, just being. I look at my right hand and see that the pretty purple bruise is still fresh. I remove the bandage from where the IV was and rub over my swollen hand tenderly. I keep shifting my sitting position due to my physical discomfort. I can feel the pain seeping in as the medication wears off. Seems the drummer in my head is back for an encore.

I am beginning to feel all the little bruises on my body that I was looking at in the mirror. The one across my chest hurts the most. And my bones. They feel so brittle and achy. I feel like I am the weakest person alive. I decide to lay on my side and attempt to take a nap. I pull the throw blanket off the back of the couch and drape over me. Honestly, I kind of like the pain. It makes me feel something and helps me focus more on the physical than the mental or emotional pain.

I am not really sleeping when I hear my dad pull into the driveway. I start to sit up as he walks into the door. He has a few different bags that he sets down on the couch next to me and walks away. I grab the one that I assume has my new phone in it because of the logo on the bag. I look over my shoulder when I hear the water running in the kitchen. When my dad reappears, he heads straight towards me with a glass of water. I put the bag down before I get a chance to see what is inside. He sets the glass of water on the coffee table in front of me, opens up the pharmacy bag, and pulls out a pill bottle. He then struggles a few times to open it; I giggle at his efforts. He finally succeeds getting the lid off and pulls out one pill. He instructs me to take it and to take one every 6 hours. I nod and oblige as I grab the cup of water off the table. He sits down on the couch, on the other side of the bags.

I speak first, "Thank you for getting this stuff." I sweetly smile at him.

"You know you will never want a thing when it comes to me." Yes, he spoils me but I think it is his way of trying to make up for my mother's absence. "I have to run to the office. It has been days since I have been there. I will do my best to make it quick. Is there something specific you would like for dinner?" Outside of me, work is his life.

"No, not really. If I think of something, I'll let Sherrie know. Thank you though." I really do appreciate everything my dad does for me. I truly do. He is my anchor.

"Baby, do us both a favor and stay OFF social media." He looks worried. There is much warning in his eyes and tone.

"I honestly wasn't planning on going on anyway. I'm not ready for all that right now." And that is the truth. I have no intention to socialize for quite some time. I do not even really like people like that. They generally annoy me. Especially the people with messed up energy. No thank you. Stay away!

"Ok. Good. Well text or call me if you think of anything you need. Enjoy your new gadgets." He says smirking. He stands up and kisses the top of my head, "I love you. Always remember this."

"I love you too daddy. I do appreciate you." And I mean every word.

"I do it all for you." He says as he walks out the front door. This makes me smile.

I pick up the bag I originally grabbed, open it and pull out the new box that has my phone in it. I remove the plastic off the outside, open the box and pull out the phone. It is nice and shiny. I hold the little button down to power up the phone. I sign into my email and sync all my contacts. I do not sync my photos though. I know My Love's will also be listed but I think I will be fine as long as I do not see his face or see his actual name. MY LOVE💚🥰😍is his contact name in my phone. I have been avoiding his name for some reason. Not sure why, I just do not want to hear it. Or say it. Or even think it.

I finish setting up everything. My phone begins to go off continuously. I turn the phone on silent because the bings and beeps and dings are setting off my anxiety. I wait patiently for my phone to finish loading and syncing and to update. I avoid downloading any social media right now. The past few years are mostly filled with images of him and I. That is a huge no for me. Nope. Not ready for that yet. At least for now.

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