Chapter 53 Uneasy

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He is looking at me like he did the first time I encountered him. It literally makes me shiver with disgust. I know he recognizes me immediately. The evil grin that forms across his face is full of deviousness. Divoc is full of sin and...

As we get closer, his body slowly faces me and is at attention. I wrap my arm around Naven's and pull him close to me. He is caught off guard but does not stop me. I whisper in his ear, "Follow my lead."

"Well hello, Molly. What a coincidence seeing you here." His voice is laced with manipulation.

"Hi," is all I offer him.

"Who is this with you?" He reaches his arm out to shake Naven's hand. Naven obliges.

"Naven. Nice to meet you." Naven is picking up on his creepiness.

"Likewise. What you two lovebirds doing here?" Naven goes to correct him but I interject immediately.

"We came to eat and watch a movie. You?" Naven allows my deceit.

"I am..." Divoc thinks for a moment, "... canvasing..." Naven goes to ask him a question but I nudge him in the side. I need to get away from Divoc. His face is beginning to distort like those guys that tried to, whatever they tried to do, and it is making me very uncomfortable.

"Well, have fun." I begin to pull Naven and he lets me. We go in the mall and I feel sick. I let go of Naven and haul ass to a garbage. The bile is about to make an appearance when Naven regains my attention.

"Breathe, Molly. You okay?" He is concerned. I am standing over a garbage, just waiting to throw up.

"I will be okay," I am sweating and my heart is racing, "Just give me a second." He nods and I slide down the side of the garbage to the ground. Naven sits down next to me.

"What was all that about?" Naven looks behind him to outside the mall doors where Divoc is standing. "How do you know him?"

"This girl Tibby. She warned me to stay away from him at all costs. She told me I won't be myself if he gets his hands on me." Her warning is echoing in my head.

"Oh. What do you think he meant when he said canvasing?" Naven is just as clueless as I was.

"I don't want to know." I have an idea but Naven may not like the actual answer so I bypass it and act ignorant to it.

"Yeah. Me either. You okay to stay. You want to go home?" He is looking at me with pity.

"No." I stand up, wiping my butt off. "I need something to drink." Maybe that will cool me down.

"Okay." He stands with me and wipes himself off. "Let's go." He puts his hand out and waits for me to start walking.

We stop at the movie booth to see what time the movie is playing and get our tickets. He pockets them and we head for the food court. We do not say much to each other on the way there. I am still holding the bile back from making a debut. At the food court, I choose a fish sandwich at Tom Whals and he gets a Cheeseburger and fries. I get a soda and Naven gets a root beer float. We sit and wait a few minutes when a worker calls out for Naven to get our meals.

He brings them over and I can feel eyes on me. It is burning a hole in my back. When Naven sits down, I ask him if Divoc is behind me somewhere. He shakes his head yes. I do not look back. I do not want his attention. Me and Naven eat with hardly any words said. When we are done, I need to use the bathroom but Divoc is sitting by the bathroom entrance. I decide to wait until we get to the theater.

We throw away our garbage and head back to the theater. I accidently make eye contact with Divoc and he smiles at me. Ugh! I pull Naven close to me again. I do not mean to give Naven mixed signals but I am pretty sure he knows what I am doing. He does not object to the affection.

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