2- bee and sky, the duo

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CHAPTER TWO!                       — Limerence

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" Did you happen to have some
how chika wow-wow with a
certain blonde this summer "

EMBER WHITE WAS POPULAR, SURE. She only had two real friends though. Not to mention she was like in love with one of them. River O'Connor was basically the love of her life. He was gorgeous to say the least, only Ophelia Raver and Skylar White ever learned about her life long crush on her childhood best friend. It was pretty obvious though.

To Ember, River could do no wrong, he was everything that she had ever wanted in a boyfriend. For starters, In their 4th year he stayed with Ember the whole night she was sick and in the hospital wing. He would be the first one to help her with homework. Not to mention he's like the hottest guy to her.

And who knows? In two days time Ember White would be at Kings Cross to start her 6th year. And this was going to be her year. She would pull that huge prank she's been planing with Ophelia since their second year. Finally get the guts to ask out River, be a great prefect, maybe get closer to Remus Lupin, hell, maybe even do something unforgettable.

Ember wasn't very unforgettable. She had a great smile from what people told her, and apparently her snow blonde hair would make people gasp. She was outgoing and pretty open-minded. Her greatest quality for sure.

Said girl, let out a loud sigh as she dug her head into her duvet. As much as she was ready to face her 6th year; she was scared. She was scared of growing up, hell she just turned 16. Apparently in Muggle U.S. it's a pretty big deal.

She was scared of growing up. Scared of facing the future. Ember knew of the muggles that were being killed by a man that wanted power. Ember herself was a pureblood maybe a half-blood? She knew that her great-great-grandpa was a blood-traitor and married a halfblood. She really didn't know much about her family tree.

Riley and Marci didn't worry their children with things like that. Ember and her siblings were taught that no matter your blood your still human, still a person.

The thunder struck outside as ember dwelled on the thought of the man killing with no remorse.

She could only hope no one she's close to dies for the cause.

"Bee?" A voice yelled from the other side of the door. Only one person ever called Ember 'bee'. Her older sister Skylar.

"Come in Skylar!" Ember responded to the brunette. Skylar, unlike Aries and Ember was brunette. She had inherited their mother's dark brown hair whilst the other two got the light blonde that was Riley's hair. Though Ember herself looked a lot like her mother and father; her resemblance was closer to that of Estelle White, her grandmother.

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