41- New years woes.

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CHAPTER FORTY-ONE!                       — Limerence

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" I l-love you "

EMBER BEGGED HER PARENTS FOR AT LEAST AN HOUR. She wanted to have one party at her Estate before she graduated. After much, much consideration, Marci and Riley allowed Ember to throw a New Years' party.

She invited all her friends, well mainly the Marauders, Alice, Ophelia, Marlene, Lily, Frank For the sake of Alice, Mary, and Dorcas. Ember wasn't close with Frank, Mary, or Dorcas but she knew that her other friends were.

She sent out the letters, and a day later, on New Year's Eve, Ophelia and Marlene were the first ones at her door. The girls greeted each other with laughs and smiles. Lily, Alice, Frank, and the Marauders arrived next. Finally Mary and Dorcas.

The boys got ready in one of the guest's rooms whilst the girls went to Ember's room. "Does this dress look good on me?" Dorcas asked, surveying her dress in a mirror.

Lily laughed and nodded, "You look amazing, Dorcas!"

Each of the girls looked amazing. Ophelia was sporting white overalls with a black long-sleeved turtleneck under it. Marlene with a simple black cocktail dress, Alice was wearing a white puffed-sleeve top tucked under a pink plaid skirt, Dorcas was wearing a baby blue babydoll dress, and Mary in ripped black jeans and a blazer top.

But the highlight, at least for one person, was Ember's outfit. Blonde hair rested curled on her back. Makeup was done to perfection. The snugged eyeliner and blush resting on her cheeks.

Then her outfit. Her incredibly good-looking outfit. A blocked, neon-colored shirt tucked into blue mom jeans. A dark belt wrapping around her waist, as simple as it was, James thought his girlfriend looked amazing.

Ember laughed loudly at Marlene's joke as she curled Lily's hair. Her eyes drifting to the promise ring that rested on her right ring finger. If only she knew what would happen that night.

"I swear, Frank is going to look so good. You guys will die when you see him! Well- don't do that, please." Alice chuckled nervously.

Ember smiled as she finished the last curl for Lily's red hair. "I think my boyfriend is pretty cool." She hummed with a lovesick face.

"Embers boyfriend smells like ass." Ophelia snorted, still being careful not to mess up her eyeliner.

Lily ignored the ringing in her chest, "Ember and James are endgame, for sure." She smiled, raking her fingers through her now curled hair. Ember did great on it like Ember did great on everything.

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