52- Prepare for the wedding

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CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO!                       — Limerence

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" mate, it's best man. Not maid of honor "

SHE BOUGHT A HOUSE. It was a very impulse decision. Granted, she was drunk and Ophelia told her it was a good idea! Granted she was also drunk. They had made a promise that when one of them got engaged, they would spend the whole night drinking.

So, a month ago the two got together to celebrate and got extremely drunk. Ember didn't even know she had bought the house - much less get her parents to lend her money - until a week ago when they asked if she had moved in yet.

"This was a horrible idea." She whispered to herself once she saw the house on Godrics Hollow.

"Oh it was an amazing idea." Aries laughed, coming up from behind his sister holding a cardboard box. "Best decision you've ever made in my opinion." He teased his sister, handing her another box.

"Oh shut up you tosser. You're just jealous I was able to convince mum and dad to pitch in for me a house whilst drunk!" She smirked, taking the box from him and sitting it down on the grass. "Is that the last one?"

Aries nodded and brushed his hands on his pants. "Now all you have to do is put it all up. Be lucky this is your first house and the only stuff you have is from Hogwarts and home. Kelsey and I had to pack up so much from America I think I lost a few brain cells."

Ember laughed and closed the door behind her. "It's a nice house. I'll give it that."

"Does your fiancé know you bought a house?" Aries asked, leaning on the door frame.

Ah yes, embers fiancé. At their graduation James had done the grand proposal by asking her to marry him in front of everyone. As much as Ember believed it to be early, she did love James more than anything.

He did have his reasons for proposing to early too. In a midst of a war anything was ago. If something was to happen to him or Ember he wanted them to have the most fulfilling relationship with her.

She hid her hands in her hands. They would be getting married in November and it was already August. Yes... time had passed since they got engaged.

"Yes..." Ember grimaced.

"You, Ember Estelle to-be Potter are actually insane. James - your to be husband - doesn't know you bought a whole ass house?" Aries pointed a finger to her, shaking it.

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