35- scars

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CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE!                       — Limerence

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                      — Limerence

" I'm so in love with you "

JAMES POTTER NEVER WOULDVE THOUGHT HE'D LOVE ANYONE BUT LILY J. EVANS. Yet, he held a bleeding, fainted, and cold Ember E. White as she bled out onto him. He would not let her go. He couldn't let her go.

Already blooded up with another's blood, Ember was more bloody once her own blood was added into the equation. James held her tighter as he ran through the final death eaters and aurors. It seemed after Ember was hit, the death eaters seemed to disappear.

It could be James being paranoid, but something told him this wasn't just for the death eaters to prove their cause. Was Ember the main target? Yet, he couldn't let himself get in too deep.

The love of his life, well probably the love of his life was still bleeding out on him. This was not a time to be coming up with conspiracy theories.

His feet never once slowed down, no thoughts about anything else than miss Ember White. Saving Ember White. He could not have her dying, Ember White dying on his conscious. He could not have his Ember White dying.

As her breaths became slower, James became faster. He did not run laps around the quidditch pitch for nothing.

One foot out, one in. All of this until James was to a carriage that had been abandoned on the most part. He practically flew in and laid Ember out on the seat. His bloodied fingers wiping tears from his eyes and running through his hair.

The carriage began to move. The thestral even seemed to go faster. It seemed as if Ember was fading; they all wanted to stop it.

"Shit... shit- fuck- I need a book for this- uhh.... SHIT! What's the spell?" James breathed out quickly. "Crucio? Fuck no that's the thinger one-
Fuck- Episky!"

And when the spell didn't work; James was sent into more of a frenzy. He barley noticed that they were back at the castle, people waiting to help and protect Hogwarts.

Scooping her into his arms, James jumped out of the carriage. Yelling for someone, someone to notice he needs help with Ember.

Sweat, tears, and blood were fueling him to the brim. Enough for Professor McGonagall to notice him. "Mr. Potter! Is that Miss. White- oh my gosh, over here- Poppy! Poppy!" Her voice was a blur to James.

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