20- late night owlery

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LIMERENCE         ↳ chapter 20

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↳ chapter 20

EMBER WHITE GLARED AT the back of Lily and Rivers head on the December morning. There was only two days until she was leaving for home and teachers were already making her mad enough. James was sat next to her at the Hufflepuff table with Ophelia.

"What are you staring at blondie?" James asked the blonde, nudging her side.

"Look at them being all cute and gross." Ember sneered. River was feeding Lily some sort of food on a spoon, both of them were laughing loudly.

"Can we be all cute and gross?" James asked hopefully. Their 'relationship' was going more and more everyday. Even Sirius noticed the pinky-holding the two would do even if the only people around were people that knew the truth.

Ember looked back at him with her eyebrows flurred, looking completely shocked. "No." She shrugged it off. Ophelia laughed loudly and James had to kick her under the table.

"Why is lover boy sitting here anyway?" Ophelia asked.

Ember rolled her eyes, "Glasses here can't get enough of me!" She teased, he shrugged.

"Yep so much so that my mum wants to meet you over Christmas. She knows we're just friends, she doesn't even know we're doing this fake dating thing." Said James, Ember pursed her lips.

"I should be able to... I'll have to owl my parents though. Maybe there're friends with your parents."

Ophelia whistled and had to be smacked by Ember. The Gryffindor and the two Hufflepuffs ate in harmony and split up to go to classes, Ember looked over to River who had joined them, "What class do we have first?" She asked them.

"Herbology with the Ravenclaws- they're not too bad." River said with a shrug.

Ophelia looked at her dark haired friend. "Not too bad? River, Iren is in Ravenclaw. He's completely fine!"

Ember huffed, "No fighting about houses please. Slytherins, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, and Gryffindors are all equal." She snapped her fingers, "thanks for coming to my Ted talk."

"Speaking of Gryffindor's... you seem to be getting close to James..." Ophelia dragged. Ember immediately picking up on what she was doing. Technically, they hadn't told anyone they were dating. It was just rumors.

"Oh yeah! We're dating now, did I not tell you guys?"  Ember asked happily. She noticed how River seemed to melt.

"Em- Ember you can't date James Potter!" River said quickly. Ember looked at him surprised. Who was he telling her she can't date someone. Even if it wasn't real. Maybe it was jealousy?

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