43- dumblewhore

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CHAPTER FORTY-THREE!                       — Limerence

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" You are different, Ember "

EMBER HADNT HAD A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. She found it difficult to stay awake many times, just because she felt so drained- and it's not like she's doing anything either. She spends half of her time with Ophelia, Marlene, Lily, James, and the other boys. Actually- the Marauders would be a great reason for her being drained.

If-and only if- she ever did sleep well, it was with James. Not that she would complain about that. It was more so she hated how she had come to rely on him so much. Yes, it was very true how much she loved the Potter boy. More than she had ever loved before. She loved stronger than she ever had before.

The end of the year would be coming soon. She had the war to worry about, life to worry about, the future. It all seemed so crazy. She would be graduating soon. In months she would say a speech, get her scroll, and apply to become a healer.

Really, what more could someone want? Sure, the impending doom of war hung around her head like a broken tiara. She could do it. Ember could fight in the war strong and come out alive. Though, she could die.

She wouldn't die. She couldn't die. No, no, no. There was no reason for Ember to die.

She twisted in bed, her thoughts becoming too much for her, too overwhelming. It felt like someone was squeezing her head. Twisting her like a lemon or orange. Thoughts echoed, with no end. They never ended.

She turned again.

Once more.

Maybe if she turned one more time she would comfortable.

Maybe again?






She let out a long sigh. No matter how much she moved in the yellow clatted bed she couldn't drift off. Everything felt off. She felt different. Would it be wrong to say she felt power? New blood shooting through her veins.

Ember didn't get a hint of sleep that night.

She watched the sunrise. Its red and orange hues filling the sky. Her drowsiness dragged her down; she still couldn't sleep.

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