48- Order of the Pheonix

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CHAPTER FORTY-EIGHT!                       — Limerence

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                      — Limerence

" To the order "

The door opened and one by one they entered. Dumbledore sat in his usual spot. "hello." he greeted. "Please sit. We have a lot to discuss."

They shuffled into seats, all giving each other weary looks. Every one of their brains ran faster and their heart sped up. Dumbledore stood in front of them, official as ever with his hands crossed at front. "You are wondering why you have been called here. I can see it on your faces." He sighed, "You must know the current state we are in.

"There is a war going on. It's death eaters, Voldemort supporters, and then there will be us. I have made a group of people. They go by The Order of The Phoenix." Ember's breath hitched and she took James's hand. There was no way Dumbledore would be recruiting people who haven't even graduated yet?! "

This is an elite group of people that will be called upon to help in the downfall of Voldemort." He finished.

Every one of them looked around. Some, like Sirius and James, had determined looks. Ember knew they would want to help. Others, like herself, were wearier. These being Peter and Alice. It didn't seem right for them, children, to fight in the war.

It was scary, of course, but they hadn't even got jobs yet. Ember took in a deep breath, "why are you recruiting us now?"

Dumbledore stroked his beard. "In a few months, you will graduate and be thrown out into the real world. I want you to join before you're worried about jobs and apprenticeships." In reality, it would be easier for them to join the Order of The Phoenix when they weren't stressed because of schooling. They would have more time.

That's what Albus Dumbledore excelled in, manipulation. He knew when to get them to join and how. Ember would be easy, her family had already joined. The need to fit in would bite her back one day. The others would follow after her like baby ducklings.

"If you do not wish to join-" he removed his wand from his sleeve, "I am quite good at memory spells."

Ember bit her lip. Most of the whites were already in the order. Most of them risking their lives. Aries had even moved back to London just to work for the order. He left a very important job in America... maybe the order had a point in everything. "I'll do it." She said, her voice surprisingly strong.

James scrunched up his nose. "I will too." His hand became tighter on hers. Dumbledore smiled, he knew they would follow.

𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 - James Potter ✓Where stories live. Discover now