3- phat potions

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CHAPTER THREE!                       — Limerence

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                      — Limerence

" Oh yeah because we want
to hear all about your sex life."

SHE RAN THROUGH THE CORRIDORS. Her blonde hair swung behind her figure in the perfect motion. People had long deserted her. Her legs couldn't be seen to go any faster than they were.

Something told her that professor Slughorn would be alright with her being a little late. Another part, not so much. Ember was usually early to all of her classes, but now being a month into Hogwarts, she and Ophelia spent many nights up talking. They only woke up that morning when River came knocking on their dorm.

Ophelia was following Ember down to the dungeons where the potions room would be. Her black hair was following after her.

"Slow down Em!" Ophelia yelled at the blonde, her voice was breathy and slow. Ember rolled her eyes.

"We're going to be late!"

Ophelia caught up to Ember's pace as the two went to go open the big doors of the potions classroom. They both hitched their breath and pulled the doors open. The Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs both looked at them. Ember smiled sheepishly and Ophelia had both of her hands on her knees and was panting.

Slughorn took notice of the two Hufflepuff's. "So nice of you to join us."

"Sorry professor! We well- yeah... just forgot?" Said Ophelia between breaths. Ember mentally facepalmed at her openness.

"Very well then, you may find your seats." They looked around the room. There was luckily a table with River open and the two girls shared a look of great-fullness with each other. Slughorn continued, "we're working on the draught of living peace today. The ingredients and such should be in your books."

"Thank you sluggy!" Ember said happily to the teacher, thankful he hadn't given them detention.

Though that was short-lived because Slughorn opened his mouth once more, "Ah yes, Miss White and Miss Raver, detention with me tonight."

Ember turned and faced the professor, a smirk on her face. "Awh but you can't give your favorite student detention!"

"yes, I can." He replied. Students snickered and River smacked Embers arm to keep her from saying more. Ember turned bright red for a moment but quickly retaliated.

She fake sighed and bargained. "What if I make the perfect draught?"


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