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CHAPTER SIXTY-FIVE!                       — Limerence

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                      — Limerence

" Obliviate "

THE MOON SHONE AS IF IT WAS A SPOTLIGHT ON THE DANCERS IN THE FOREST. It may have not been a full one, but it was sure enough to send shivers down her spine. The forest seemed larger than it ever had before. A cold gust went through her skin as dead leaves crunched under her boots. Even if April was brining in new leaves, the dead ones always remained on the ground.

Her small group, including Ophelia, Alice, Sirius, and Fabian, were in the Markland Forest. It never seemed this omunious when Ember would visit it as a child. The happy laughs were replaced with stressed breaths and hushed whispers.

The order was told of an attack that would happen in the forest. Muggles camped there often so it wouldn't be surprising for death eaters to try and get a big group of them. Luckily, the order was able to swarm them out, using slight memory charms where muggles entering the area would believe it's illegal to enter the area without government permission for twenty-four hours.

Despite the actual death eaters being there, everyone knew they were coming. They didn't need an anonomys source to tell them, it was already obvious. Everyone could feel it in their veins. It was a feeling they all hated, but still common for their line of work.

Ember stayed more in the back, this wasn't one of the missions where she was sent to play hero and heal people. Even if she did have her potions in her side bag. She was here to fight.

"Be ready for anything, they'll attack at anytime. I'm telling you." Fabian told them. He had more experience than anyone in the group, working for Mad-Eye-Moody and all. Even though the man was gruffy, he seemed to hold a soft-spot for Ember. Especially after he had been hit with a curse and Ember saved him.

She was the first one to hear the rustling of leaves. She turned around quickly, alerting the group of her findings. "Watch out for them." Ember whispered lowly. Her heart raced as she raised her wand to find the source of sound. "Dont yell."

"We know your there! No need to hide or be scared. It's just a game, right?" A deep voice yelled out.

They began to do their protecal, breaking into groups off two. There being an odd number, Ember went by herself, leaving Fabian and Sirius and then Ophelia and Alice. "We already have more points than you!" Sirius yelled out in an attempt to rally them up. It was something he always did. It made it less cat and mouse and made things move faster. "Looks like you need to catch up. Hah."

𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 - James Potter ✓Where stories live. Discover now