4- meet me in the kitchens, bro

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CHAPTER FOUR!                       — Limerence

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" Stupid men."

EMBER WHITE ENTERED THE KITCHENS SLOWLY AND WITH TEARS WELDING IN HER EYES, BLURRING HER VISION. The boy she had loved for the most portion of her life was in love with a pretty ginger.

She walked down the corridor, the paintings of different food littering the walls. She tickled the pear and the door opened. As soon as she stepped in house elves began asking her what food she wanted. She smiled lightly and gave them her usual order, mint chocolate, and Mac n' cheese. They were her comfort food after all.

She sighed and noticed a figure sitting in one of the bar-stools. As she walked closer Ember noticed that the boy was none other than James Potter.

"Hello there Potter." Said Ember. Her voice was sweet and it instantly caught James's attention. Ember was wearing her school robes, not having time to change before she ran off. Her makeup was slightly smeared. The blonde hair that she wore was in a high ponytail with a few pieces sticking out. James thought she looked great.

"White. Nice to see you..." he took in the smeared makeup once again. She looked as if she had been crying. "Are- are you alright?"

Ember laughed slightly. "Peachy really." A house-elf came up with a plate that had mint chocolate stacked upon it and a bowl of Mac n' cheese. "Thank you Derrie!" The house-elf smiled and left Ember. She turned her attention back to James. "Just... drama? Maybe."

James smiled. "You make Remus happy. I've noticed that."

She laughed and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "He's quite enjoyable. What about your dear lily?"

James groaned. "She's amazing really, but she's been talking to O'Connor. He's one of your friends correct?"

Ember went pale and nodded slowly. James noticed the change in demeanor. "Hey. I know we don't know each other at all-but are you okay?"

"No." The words left before she could stop them. Her eyes left James's Hazel ones quickly.

James smiled. Ember barely even knew him and trusted him at least enough to tell him she wasn't okay. He turned to fully face her, placing his hands out girlishly he spoke. "Girl talk!"

Ember laughed and James felt his heart pull. No wonder Sirius never shut up about Ember after Remus and she became friends.

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