37- confess your sins

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CHAPTER THIRTY-SEVEN!                       — Limerence

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" anskshskzknskwosgsba732

and the rest of the Marauders, plus Marlene and Ophelia who were all slowly becoming one big friend group with the friends that are closer to some than others.

It's just that after kissing and making out with the boy you've fancied for a while now, is well... not normal to say the least.

It wasn't awkward for the rest of the night, not even when Marlene and Ophelia came back and saw them crying over a sad book, this time the fault in our stars.

However, as soon as James left the next morning, Ember couldn't find herself willing to do anything. She would have to go back to classes soon because she was actually healing, just not quick enough that is.

She could not get rid of the awkwardness, not even when Remus had decided to turn into a werewolf. Okay he couldn't decide that, but she still was an awkward blushing mess when she had to clean up cuts on James's face.

Sirius and Peter could smell the tension from a mile away.

Peter, being the Angel he was, didn't say much about it. He just gave Ember a few words of wisdom and a big hug, which she accepted happily.

Sirius just made fun of her, and then smacked her for saying James didn't see her like that.

James had no idea what was happening. One moment Ember is totally down to snog him and the next shes a blushing, stuttering mess around him. If he was being honest, it did inflate his ego a little. He felt nice knowing he had that affect on the blonde girl.

However, he also hated the fact she could barley look at him without freaking out.

But so did Ophelia and Marlene. "I swear, Emma if you don't just go up to him and ride it there and then I'm going to punch you," Marlene threatened as Ember groaned about her crush.

"anskshskzknskwosgsba732@!:ejeksbzoslenjrnddnsnsm-" Ember groaned with her head in her hands. The two girls looked at each other confused and turned back to Ember. "-Marlene."

"Yeah... I don't speak enchantment table, Em. I understood Marlene out of all of that and I've been friends with you since first year." The dark haired girl laughed.

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