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CHAPTER FOURTEEN!                       — Limerence

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" Boy cooties! "

JAMES AND EMBER SLURRED UO THE STAIRS. Mostly James because the blonde was on his back mumbling the most random things. In the past fifteen minutes the bespectacled boy had learned that Octopuses have three hearts, Lobsters taste with their feet, you are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday, and why she wants to marry River. In fifteen minutes.

James had decided to place a silencing charm on her when they got in the dorm, but she seemed to know and gave him the most babyish look possible. James lowered his wand.

Ember went straight to his bed and flopped down on it, James looked like he was about to argue. Ember waved him off, "If you don't know captain genius. I am in a fifty pound dress at the moment. I am not sitting on the ground or standing any longer."

Putting his hand in his hair, James went to his dresser. Ember was too busy staring at the ceiling to process that anything was going on. She only looked at James when he threw something at her.

"You've killed me! Potter I'm dying!"

"Blondie, it's clothes." Said James. Ember glared at him. It looked more like a fluffy puppy trying to scare a big dog, so he wasn't very phased. "You can change in the bathroom."

"Boy cooties!" Ember groaned throwing her feet off the bed. She turned to face James, a finger pointed in his face. "I hope you got glitter all over your bed."

James looked her up and down- no he was not checking her out you sociopaths- looking for any trace of glitter. He shook his head, a small smirk on his face. "You have not a single speck of glitter on you."

"Fight me, Potter." She growled before stepping into the bathroom.

James sneaked a snort as she marched off to the bathroom, her dress scrunched up in her fists. Ember was truly something to him. Not just a distraction for Lily as Sirius might think at moments. She was honestly becoming one of his best-friends. Hopefully that would make it a little less weird because they were meant to start dating tonight.

Oh god, tonight. James doesn't think he's ever been more lucky. Ember was gorgeous tonight. The only thought he had all night was how blind River must be. Hell, if he wasn't infatuated with Lily, James would totally give her a chance. She was amazing in every way. If James was being honest with himself, he was mad he hadn't talked to her before.

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