4. Touch Deprived

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"Careful, careful." Semi warned Goshiki, who was wrapping Tendou's fingers. Tendou looked up at them and then back to his hands.

"You don't need to help me…"

"You also don't need to keep hurting yourself. Jeez…" Semi turned Tendou's hands over.

Tendou avoided his eyes.

"Goshiki, get me the burn cream." Goshiki got up. He returned with the cream. Semi gently cleaned the burns on his hands and bandaged his palms. "You need to come to me every night until these heal."


"No questions. Come to my room tomorrow and I'll clean these again."

Tendou groaned. "Fine."

"Okay. Good." Semi got up. "I'll be back in a few hours. Get yourself something to eat and drink and go to bed, okay?"

"Fiiiine." Tendou leaned back. "Hm…"

"Don't whine at me. You need to eat something other than microwave ramen or pop tarts."


Semi rolled his eyes. "Fine. Goshiki do you have your bag?"

Goshiki held up his bag.

"Okay, come on." Semi walked out with the younger boy.

Tendou waited until he heard the car pull out of the driveway. He got up and threw on a hoodie and grabbed his wallet. He headed off and walked for about fifteen minutes away from the house.

Eventually he opened the bar door and walked into it. It was quieter tonight.

He sat down and put his head down on the bar.


Tendou looked up. He smiled tiredly. "Don't tell Semi. Or Suga."

"I won't but you need to go home." Daichi whispered.

"Please just let me forget all of this. Just for tonight."

"Alright… what do you want?"

"Is that Ushijima person here? He makes cherry sours really good and I just want to down a bunch of those."

"He is here but he won't talk much to you."

"That's fine." Tendou put his head down. "He likes listening."

Daichi walked off and got Ushijima, who was cleaning off an area. "Ushijima, how about I finish up here for you?"

"No I made the mess so I clean it up." Ushijima stated. He grabbed the paper towels.

Daichi sighed.

Ushijima finished up and looked at Daichi.

"Can you make Tendou a cherry sour? He's really upset right now and could use a few."

Ushijima nodded. He went to the red head and started mixing the drink. Tendou looked up. "Hey…"


Tendou sat up and yawned. "Bleh. You willing to listen to me rant for a bit?"

"That's okay with me, yes." Ushijima whispered, reaching under the bar.

Tendou smiled. "Do I start with me depressed as ever or do I start with what happened last week with my mom's ashes?"

Ushijima glanced to the side. "Why are you depressed?"

"Genetics. My mom was depressed. My dad was depressed. My aunts are all depressed. It got passed to me and it really sucks. It's hard to get out of bed in the morning. Which I hate."

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