24. Confused

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Tendou watched Ushijima carefully, making sure he was okay. Ushijima had curled up in his lap, deciding he wasn't up for even a movie.

Tendou leaned down. "Ushy…" Tendou rubbed his hair. "You okay there Bub?"

Ushijima sniffed, curling up into a tighter ball.

Tendou rubbed his side. "Do you want anything?"


"Are you okay?"


"The bandages itchy?"


"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

Ushijima sat up and rubbed his bandages. He cringed. His hand swept over a dark red blanket next to him before he turned to Tendou. Tendou's eyes looked curious.

Ushijima kept staring, observing. Tendou smiled.

"Ah. You have dimples."

Tendou chuckled. "Mhmm."

Ushijima took Tendou's face into his hands and peered at him. "And freckles."


"Why is it that they're barely visible?"

"Because it's winter."

Ushijima's brows furrowed. "When do they show better then?"

"Spring and summer."

"Mm…" Ushijima felt of Tendou's hair. Nice and soft. Like always.

Tendou watched as Ushijima's sheer curiosity took over and the larger male examined him with such a gentle gaze. Concentrated but very tender.

Ushijima lifted Tendou's hands, examining each finger by gently moving them.

"You know-"


Tendou nodded. He leaned back, allowing everything. Ushijima explored the areas of Tendou's hands and face. He gently touched Tendou's calves and rubbed little bruises with care.

He discovered a stick and poke tattoo on Tendou's ankle of a smiley face. He found a birthmark on Tendou's calf and one on his inner thigh.

Tendou gently took his hands and Ushijima laid on his chest. The larger male put his forehead into the crook of Tendou's neck and sighed. Tendou rubbed his hair. "Did that make you feel better?"

Ushijima sat up again and pulled off his shirt. He pulled on Tendou's.

Tendou laughed and took it off. "There we go."

Ushijima looked over Tendou and then rubbed his shoulder gently. He was fascinated by the red head.

"Mm. Well. What'd you find?"

"You have so many freckles."

"Well I'm a red head."

Ushijima sat in Tendou's lap, calm. Tendou could see that he was calm and very collected. He was comfortable. Tendou reached up and held his face. Ushijima gulped.

"You look like you need a good night of sleep."

"Mm." Ushijima put his hand over one of Tendou's. He leaned down and kissed Tendou's cheek.

Tendou "awed" at the gesture. "You're precious."

Ushijima shook his head and wrapped his arms around the red head.

Tendou rubbed his back. He kissed his temple. "You ready to go to sleep Bub?"

"I think so."

"Alright." Tendou moved into more of a laying position.

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