12. Cutie

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Sugawara huffed, glaring at the taller male in front of him. The ravenette stared back.



"That is my boyfriend. Let me see him."

Suga crossed his arms. "He's sleeping."

"Did I ask? Move."


Daichi walked up and walked past Yuito. He kissed Suga's forehead. "There a problem here?"

"He thinks he can get in."

"Ah." Daichi turned to him. "Go ahead and leave."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Daichi closed the door. He looked to Ushijima, who had chosen to sit on the couch in front of the window, staring at Tendou.

Suga walked over to Ushijima and sat down. "You okay?"

Ushijima nodded.

Suga leaned his head on Ushijima's shoulder. "You know, he thinks very highly of you. He likes talking to you and loves your hugs and all sorts of things."


"You don't feel like talking today?"

Ushijima shook his head.

"That's okay." Sugawara looked up at him. He smiled. "You're allowed to hold his hand."

Ushijima got up slowly, obviously very tired. He sat by the hospital bed and took Tendou's hand into his. He just played with his fingers for a moment before looking up at Tendou.

Suga stepped out of the room with Daichi. Daichi hugged him, trying to make sure he was okay.

"Both of them will be okay Suga."

"He won't sleep Daichi." Suga whispered.

"We can't force him. He's an adult and can take care of himself."

"Yes but Tendou isn't going to wake up very fast. Ushijima is too nervous to go to sleep. I don't know what to do."

"Mm… well. You don't need to take care of everyone. He'll get tired enough to go to sleep for a bit."


"Look." Daichi pointed to the little window in the door and saw Ushijima's head resting on Tendou's thigh, seemingly fast asleep. "Told you. He's just going to need some time for Tendou to wake up."

"Eh… but… he's…"

"You need a nap too sir." Daichi grabbed his hand and headed down the hall.

"I do not!"

"You sound like a fussy five year old."

"You're mean! I don't need a nap!" Suga whined. Daichi hefted him up over his shoulder and walked off, Suga dangling over his shoulder. "I hate you so much."

Daichi patted his bottom gently. "Hush."

Suga chuckled softly. "If you're gonna hold me, do it right."

Daichi let him down and then let him climb on his back. "Alright are you gonna calm down now?"

"Mm. When we get home you needa gimme lots of kisses." Suga announced.

"Will do."


Tendou stirred for a moment before relaxing again, taking a deep breath. The nurse next to his bed looked over, somewhat shocked. Tendou choked on the tube in his mouth before coughing loudly.

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