17. Popsicles

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"Up we go..." Tendou gently eased Ushijima down. "You feeling okay?"

Ushijima didn't respond and just covered himself in blankets.

"Ushy... hey..."

Ushijima looked away.

"Okay. Whew." Tendou got up. "I'm gonna go get you some ice cream and see if that helps, okay? Probably won't but hey, I'm here if ya need."

Ushijima still kind of ignored him, eyes starting to water.

Tendou went off to the kitchen. He took down a bowl and a spoon. He knew Ushijima needed his necklace. He hadn't realized that Ushijima would freak out over something like that.

But it was going to be okay. Tendou was going to help him find it when Ushijima ate and took another nap.

It'd been three days.

Ushijima refused to talk and Tendou had to set alarms louder to remind him to eat.

Tendou opened the freezer. He scanned the shelves before stopping. Ushijima hated popsicles. Why was there a red one in there?

He pulled the popsicle out and gasped.

"Not a popsicle." He put it back and went to Ushijima's room. He grabbed his hands, startling Ushijima as he was forced into the kitchen. "Look in the freezer!"

Ushijima looked in before grabbing the little red object. "You found it!"


Ushijima shook his head faster than normal, buzzing with excitement. "You found it!"

"Told you I would find it Bub." Tendou smiled.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ushijima hugged Tendou tight.

Tendou coughed. "Damn you're strong."

Ushijima nuzzled his hair. "Thank you so much... Also I like my new nickname too."

"You do? That's great." Tendou returned the hug gently. His eyes went to the floor. Why couldn't things be like this all of the time? Why couldn't people love on him like this?

"Mm. You still smell like pie."

Tendou smiled. He hugged Ushijima tighter. How did all of this feel to Ushijima?

Could Ushijima identify what was going on with Tendou? Maybe. Did Tendou care?


Yes. So much.

Ushijima felt like a first friend. Or one he'd been missing for so long.

He couldn't explain it but even just looking at Ushijima made his heart race a little more and made him so happy. Ushijima made him so God damned happy it hurt.

He would hurt Ushijima though. Because he was a monster.

An addict too.

He was addicted to everything that loved him and everything he loved. He cared too much and then they got annoyed that he was so clingy.

He couldn't help it though.

He really couldn't. Tendou just wanted a good friend and a good partner who loved him back.

Ushijima seemed so perfect. Sure he had a bit of a social issue but that didn't stop Ushijima from being kind and loving. Tendou knew Ushijima probably got called worse things than him too.

But Ushijima ignored that and tried his best.

He was doing so well and just making Tendou want to stay more and more.

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