9. Ace

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Tendou huffed, feeling himself wake up. "No... no... lemme sleeeeeep."

Ushijima held Tendou tighter. He was fast asleep still.

Tendou furrowed his brows. He looked down and gasped quietly. "Oh my." Tendou laughed quietly. He patted Ushijima's hair. "Well hello there... you seem comfy."

Ushijima hummed softly.

Tendou smiled. He rubbed Ushijima's cheek gently. "You're so precious."

Ushijima stayed still, still in a deep sleep.

Tendou picked up his phone and took a selfie of them, smiling. He sent it to Goshiki. Minutes later he heard a scream. Then a thud he was sure was Kogane hitting the floor.

Goshiki hurried in, grinning. "That's cute."

"Shhhh, shhhh. Don't wake him up." Tendou whispered.

Goshiki went over and leaned down. "He's adorable."

Kogane walked in and pouted. "Tsu... babe..."

Goshiki turned around. He smiled. "Hi Kanji. What's wrong?"

"You pushed me." Kogane whined.

Goshiki pouted back. "I told you to get up."

"You're so mean."

Goshiki huffed. He stuck his tongue out.

Kogangawa pressed the tip of his nose, making a pig face at him.

"Gah that's mean."

Tendou sighed. "Now, now you're both adorable and everything but I don't want Ushy to wake up, okay? Go cuddle in the shower or something. And I know you don't really fight so go."

Goshiki giggled. He grabbed Kogane's hand and walked off.

Tendou chuckled. Ushijima shifted in Tendou's arm. He kicked and then huffed before putting his forehead on Tendou's chest. "You're so silly."

Ushijima stayed asleep for at least another hour before opening his eyes and kind of laying there for a moment. Tendou smiled.

Ushijima sneezed and then furrowed his brows. "Ow."

Tendou laughed quietly. Ushijima startled and looked up. "Hi there."


"Mm. You okay?"

"I'm okay." Ushijima sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

Tendou sat up and threw his arms around Ushijima's neck and laughed. "Mm. You sleep like a baby. You must have been comfy."

Ushijima blinked. "I want my necklace." He got up and found it, putting it on and biting.

Tendou frowned. He'd never been ignored like that.

Ushijima looked up. "Would you like a box of raisins?"

"Hm? No, I'm okay."

"Okay." Ushijima stayed on the floor, eating his raisins in silence.

Tendou finally realized what he had to do. "Ushijima."


"Come sit on my bed with me."

"Okay. Ushijima sat on the bed, now biting his necklace.

"Are you okay?"


Tendou furrowed his brows. He leaned over and put his head on Ushijima's shoulder.

"Oh I wasn't paying attention to you. I'm sorry."

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