6. Sick

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Daichi looked up and sighed. Ushijima was making a drink for Tendou again, even more silent than ever. Tendou wasn't really talking to him either, too interested in the male next to him.

Ushijima set the glass down and walked to Daichi. "Can you serve him drinks? His friend is being rude."

Daichi frowned. "Rude?"

"He's talking about how disabled people shouldn't have benefits. I refuse to serve them."

"Is Tendou agreeing?"

"He's drunk. He just keeps telling him to shut up."

"Alright." Daichi walked over and served that half of the bar instead. "Hey Tendou."

"Mm… hey there!"

"You're so silly." The male next to him stated, chuckling.

Tendou smiled. He leaned up and kissed the other male's cheek. "You're silly... You gotta be nice ta people… Yuito… be nice..."

Daichi raised his brows. "Tendou have you ate tonight?"

"Nope!" Tendou leaned into the other male, smirking. "But I know what I'm gonna eat tonight."

Daichi sighed. "I think you need to go home."


Yuito eased him up. "Lets go baby, okay? Time for bed."

Tendou clung to him, giggling.

Yuito kissed his hair. "You're adorable when you're drunk."

Alarms went off in Daichi's head. He rounded the bar. "Ushijima! Kuroo! Keep up with the bar, okay?! I'll be back!"

Daichi hefted Tendou up. Yuito looked confused. "What're you doing?"

"I'm taking him home." Daichi said firmly. "Drive yourself home."

"Ah I can do it."

"No he might try to have sex but he's drunk and it won't give you consent."

"Mm… yeah!" Tendou clung to Daichi. "Bye bye!"

Yuito frowned. "I'm not like that."

"Mm. Bye!" Tendou repeated. He nuzzled Daichi's neck and hummed. "You smell so good..."

Daichi chuckled. "Alright let's go."

Tendou was carried away, to Daichi's car and then home. Semi hurried him to bed and covered him up to stop him from getting up and grabbing a lighter from somewhere in his room.

This was the third time in the four months that Tendou had gotten drunk so easy.

"Tendou how many drinks did you have tonight?"

Tendou held up three fingers.

"How many usually make you drunk?"

He held up five.

"Oh God…" Semi felt of his forehead. "Goshiki! Get me my phone!"

Goshiki walked in, giving him the phone.

Tendou whined, squirming. "It's hooot."

"Stay still."

Tendou started whining. "Semi I feel sick."

"I know, I know."

Tendou looked around, eyes unfocused. He seemed like he was terrified. Goshiki looked at him, worried. "I'm gonna throw up…"

Semi grabbed the trashcan. Tendou barely made it, his movements slowed as he leaned over. Semi rubbed his back. "Lay back down Tendou."

Tendou shook his head. "Can't."

Goshiki started to panic. "W-what's wrong with Tendou?!"

Semi turned. "Goshiki, he got sick, okay? Shirabu is coming to help me out so he feels better. How about you go and cuddle Koganegawa? I promise we'll take good care of Tendou."

"O-okay." Goshiki walked out and down the hall.

Semi turned back to Tendou. "You still feel as bad?"

"Not really. Tired. Hot." Tendou closed his eyes. "Whew… I want Yuito to cuddle me… or some cold water."

Shirabu walked in. "Ah hey."

Semi looked up. "Hey can you help?"

"Yep." He eased down and moved Tendou's hair. "Mm. Okay. How much can you move?"

"Not very much."

"Okay. Here we go." Shirabu put him on his side on the bed. "Are you tired?"

"Mhmm." Tendou's eyes further unfocused. He coughed.

"Tendou. What's your first name?"


"Tendou. What. Is. Your. Name?"

Tendou looked at Shirabu, or rather through him. Semi furrowed his brows. "Yeah we need to call I don't have anything here."

Shirabu pulled out his phone. "Alright. Keep him awake."


Semi sighed, walking into the bar. Daichi saw him and went closer to the counter. "You okay? Is Tendou okay?"

"He got drugged."

Daichi froze. Behind him Ushijima dropped a glass and yelped. Daichi cleaned the glass up for him and pulled something out of his pocket. Ushijima held the little turtle squish and listened to Semi.

Finally, he spoke up. It wasn't something expected but it showed he was worried.

"Is he dead?"

Semi stared. "No…? Why would you ask that?"

Ushijima looked down at his feet. "Was that a bad question?"

Daichi sighed. "No Ushijima, it wasn't. You're just worried. It's okay. He's gonna get out of the hospital tonight."

"I want to see him."

"Alright. At the hospital or when he gets home?" Daichi questioned.

"At home."


"It's easier to visit someone at home since it feels safer and more comfortable. It makes them happy and releases either dopamine or serotonin. It would be nice for me to visit him." Ushijima paused. "That was a lot I'm very sorry."

"Oh no you're okay." Semi reassured. "You don't need to apologize."

"Yes I do."


"Ah Semi maybe don't-" Daichi started.

"It's part of my rules. I follow the rules because they tell me what to do."

Semi just kept staring. Daichi gulped. "Hey Ushijima, go rearrange the fruit juices for me. Kuroo did it wrong."

"Okay." Ushijima turned and went off to do as he was told.

"Is he okay?"

"Hm? Yeah of course. Why?"

"It's nothing…" Semi took a deep breath.

"Mm. Okay." Daichi patted the counter. "Guess I'll see you guys tonight then."

"I guess so."

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