22. Cold

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I swear I don't have a hand fetish-

Tendou stared at Suga, who was messing with a box of matches. He took a deep breath. "Suga?"


"You okay?"

"Fucking peachy."

"Oh..." Tendou looked at his hands. Ushijima had drawn a heart on his palm so he wouldn't hurt it. He smiled. 

"What are you smiling about?"

"Ushy has started drawing things on me to stop me from burning myself. It's really nice."

"Nice to know someone's partner cares about them." Suga rubbed his eyes.

"What do you mean? Daichi absolutely loves you."

"Sure he fucking does. Lazy piece of shit."

"Okay, rude." 

"Rude?! He sleeps in later than I do!"

"You wake up at six." Tendou rolled his eyes. "Give him a few extra minutes to sleep."

Suga whined. "Why does he get to do it but when I do it he tries to immediately wake me up?"

"Because he's worried about you. I am too actually."

"I need to talk to him then."

"Be nice Suga."



Tendou walked up to Daichi, smiling. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Daichi looked up and smiled at Tendou.

"Suga didn't yell at you, did he?"

"No, he didn't."

"Good! Also who keeps putting salt in cereal? He's an asshole now." Ushijima looked up, obviously about to ask what he meant. "Salt in cereal is a metaphor for someone being a jerk Bub."

"Ah. Thank you."

"No problem." Tendou turned back to Daichi. "Is he okay?"

"He switched medicines."

"Ooh man. All of the stuff? Like being irritated, anxiety, dizziness. Actually he won't do his spins for dance. Which is weird cause that's part of it."

"Mhmm all of that. Plus he can't sleep."

"I'm going to guess... Zoloft?"



"Yeah they tried to get him off of Lexapro. Taking him off any type of way immediately irritates him but not in the weird withdrawal symptoms he would get but more along the lines of he can't stay still and literally anything can change his mood." Daichi tossed a towel at Kuroo. "Such as SOMEONE saying he needs to take Prozac and take a nap."

"Hey, hey was I wrong?!" Kuroo hurried to say.

"Yes."  Tendou, Daichi, and Ushijima said all at once.

"Akaashi laughs when I say that and so does Bokuto."

Tendou frowned. "You take antidepressants?"


"Then fucking leave us mentally ill people alone. You have no idea how it feels to have to take medicine to stop you from killing yourself."

Ushijima rounded the bar. He put his hand on the side of Tendou's waist, rubbing gently. "You okay?"

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