!!!30. Look At Me!!!

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This is smut. If you don't like reading smut, spare yourself. There will be another chapter after this.

Tendou smiled, holding Ushijima's cheek. "You have such pretty eyes."

Ushijima looked up at the lights and then at Tendou. He hummed softly.

Tendou kissed the tip of his nose. "Remember Bub, you can say no at any time and I'll stop where I am and help you. We will stop if you want. You're in control for this."

Ushijima nodded. He clicked the button on the remote in his hand.

The room was now dark, a red glow casted down on them.

Tendou chuckled.

Ushijima edged closer, almost nervous. "Deep breaths darling."

Ushijima turned at the sound of a car door closing on the street below his apartment.

Tendou took his chin into his palm. "Hey… focus on me, okay?"


Tendou hummed. He kissed Ushijima slowly, easing his arms around him. Ushijima did the same, hesitant but he seemed hopeful.

Ushijima was gently put against the bed, laying on his back as he kissed Tendou. Tendou had him securely held under him, giving him every way he could to help him feel safe. "Satori?"

"Something wrong?"

"It's really tight." Ushijima mumbled.

Tendou chuckled. He eased his hand into Ushijima's boxers, pulling them down. "You wanna leave your shirt on or do you feel okay without it?"

"I'm okay without it."

Tendou pulled the shirt off of him. His hands traveled up and down Ushijima, taking in everything. "You're so handsome…"

Ushijima started looking away, forgetting the task at hand.

Tendou gently grabbed his chin again. "Eyes darling."

Ushijima looked at him, curious.

Tendou smiled. "You're so cute." He grabbed the bottle of lube from on the bed next to him and coated two fingers. "Okay you know what this part feels like. If you need me to stop, I will."


"First one. Deep breaths." Tendou slipped one of his fingers into Ushijima. Ushijima moved slightly, brows furrowing. Tendou looked down, rubbing Ushijima's thigh as he moved his second finger into him.

"A-ah no look at me." Ushijima snapped his fingers a few times.

Tendou looked up. "Ah, it's okay." Tendou rubbed his cheek. "I've got you."

Ushijima huffed softly. He got Tendou's shirt off of him. Tendou took off the rest of his clothes, quickly going to continue his prep. Ushijima held his hand, clenching his jaw as Tendou put his third finger in him.

Tendou pushed slightly and circled his fingers. He knew it must not feel too good but Ushijima would feel good soon. He slipped his fingers out and grabbed the lube again. Ushijima reached past him and got the condom off of his nightstand. He gave it to Tendou.

Tendou slipped it on and kissed Ushijima's cheek. "Will you be gentle?"

"Of course I will." Tendou kissed him, slow. Ushijima pulled Tendou to himself, kissing him. Tendou held his hand still, smiling. "Mm… okay." He positioned himself.

Ushijima held Tendou's arm. "Please, be gentle."

"Bub, I've got you. It's okay." Tendou started to go in, making slow circular motions with his hips. "Count how many times you feel me make a circle, okay?"

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